Yule Ball

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I stayed by Nikolai's side till he left with Krum who had gone with Granger. We didn't speak to each other just enjoyed dancing and laughing with our dates. 

I stayed in the Great Hall even after my date left. enjoying the people watching and funky dance moves. My teachings to Longbottom got put to use and as much as Cissy was disappointed that Draco and I were not going together she understood and supported me. My eyes got dragged away as I heard raised voices behind me. Weasley and Granger.

I had wondered why they hadn't gone together but as their fight continued I realized Weasley was about as much as an arse as Draco. Moments later she ran out on the brink of crying. I thought about going after her. Since we practically spent the entire night next to each other. As I was about to take a step forward a voice I was hoping to avoid tonight spoke.

"you look beautiful tonight, Flor" Draco spoke softly and I went rigid as I felt his presence behind me.

I choose not to speak and ignore him or at least try to. 

"and I am sorry I have been such an ass to you" my ears perked up but I didn't face him. "That was unfair of me and you were only doing what I wished for"

"Your bloody right I was, ferret" I turned to face him

"I never thanked you for that" he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"You made a pretty cute ferret... Might have to keep that in my arsenal when you tick me off again" I smirk

"You wouldn't" he looked offended

"you know I would" I wink "Now if you excuse me for a moment I'm going to check on someone and then I take my apology in a form of a dance" I moved to the doors he moved to come with me "it's a girl talk I'll meet you back here," I said stopping him and continued to make a confident exit. 

When I got out of the doors I scanned quickly and spotted Granger on the steps with her arms wrapped tightly around her legs as she sobbed quietly.

I sat down unnoticed by the crying Granger. "Boys are stupid" I stated bluntly making Granger jump and slide away from me. 

"Riddle?" She asked

"You know I'm not as hostile as my housemates" I rolled my eyes as I readjusted my legs to be comfortable on the stone steps. Granger seemed to relax a little "as I said boys are stupid and a lot of the time not worth it... God made Eve for Adam. Not Adam for Eve and once us women realize that we are going to be unstoppable" I looked forward with a small smile and Granger laughed albite, not a great one since she was crying moments ago. 

"Thanks, Riddle" she wiped her makeup smudged cheeks

"Not a problem" I stood up "and Granger" I looked down "You can call me Florence" I offered a kind smile. I turned to go back down the stairs.

"Then the same goes for me" she called out I looked back and she was smiling.

"Now I have to get back I got a boy who owes me an apology dance"

"Draco?" Hermoine looked confused 

"despite him being an arrogant arse he is... family" With one last smile I reentered the hall.

 Draco's back was turned and I heard the beginnings of 'sway'. The song Cissy taught us how to dance too. 

"What a coincidence" I whispered in his ear behind him. he stiffened slightly "I'll take that dance now" (cause I'm lazy and instead of explaining badly you can instead watch these people dance how Draco and Florence would during the song)

"bloody hell!" I heard Daphne say as my entire body swung around Draco's head. Catching a quick glance I saw Pansy and Theo smiling with a camera in their hands, while Blaise stood by Pansy looking happy for us.

'bout time' he mouthed

The people still on the floor were circled around us watching or they were slow dancing but also watching our tango.

When the song ended as we are still close together "will you take me back, Flor?" he whispered.

"Well I can't say no after that" 


"I still can't believe you both have moves like that" Daphne spoke as we walked.

"Mother made us learn tango one summer" Draco shrugged.

We passed the golden trio. I gave a polite nod to Hermione as the rest of my group sneered at them. Not noticing my friendliness.


The third and final task was closing in as was the end of the year. On occasions in the middle of the night my ring would heat up and my father speaking the single word startled me from my sleep.


Medusa no longer left at night to hunt she stayed by my side watching over me as I slept. Guarding me from a foe not quite known to us.

I of course was having meetings with Dumbledore about this. As well as telling him about myself being an animagus and using the name given to me by Remus and Sirius when I need to pass information off to them.

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