this is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween (part 1)

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October came fast. Draco and I send letters back to the manor every couple of weeks. We tried sending one of our 2 owls for both letters but the owls refused and they both liked to fly together which ended up helping when Aunt Cissy sent us large packages of sweets or clothing that she thought suited us. I ended up with an emerald green cloak with a black Slytherin insignia, Draco with a black cloak with an emerald green Slytherin insignia.

Draco forgave me for the flying incident laughing when I said what's the worse that could have happened was him being accepted on the Gryffindor quidditch team instead of being expelled.

It was Halloween, the muggle holiday but the castle was decorated nicely with pumpkins and bats. After class, I went to the library was by myself this time separated from Draco, and the two shadows them being off to who knows where but most likely had to do with bothering Potter.

I sat at a desk and pulled out my books. Looking a few minutes later when I noticed someone hovering over the other side of the desk. "Longbottom," I said cooly in greeting which I had learned from Uncle Sev not to give away emotions.

"I- Ummm..." He stumbled over his words "Hermione told me what you did" he blurted out as though it was a most difficult thing. Which it probably was for him he seemed absolutely terrified to be talking with a Slytherin. "And I Ummm... Wanted to thank you" he finally stuttered out.

"Don't mention it" I studied his trembling figure "someone had to end the stupidity"

"Y-yes" he now looked like he wanted to bolt. Longbottom began to turn to walk away.

"And Longbottom..." He turned but looked grateful he gained some distance between us. "I'm not exactly sure why you got put into Gryffindor but you need to work on your confidence. No one likes a doormat... What I'm saying is if you need help I'm offering" his jaw slackened "don't tell anyone I said that" I glare "plus the feud between our houses is stupid in my opinion but we're all too prideful to admit that"

You're going to make enemies in your own house Medusa's warning from under my sleeve.

Longbottom nods before scampering off.

"I'd like to see them try" I speak to Medusa in parseltongue careful not time be heard by others in the library. "I do not value the values Lucius told me my hypocrite of a father values. I'm just setting the foundation for my future"

Foundation? Medusa asks her head and part of her body peeking out of my loose robe sleeve.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend... I'm getting aqcauntices most likely to fight against my father. If I have a sliver of trust from them I might just scrape by and I can bring Draco right along with me" I'm still whispering

Quite the long game your playing Ren Medusa's eye gleams.

"That's the plan" I sigh

"Mi-miss Ri-ddle" the DA teacher stutters

"Professor" I greet with a nod of my head.

"Stu-studies going well?" I keep an impartial mask on but I'm confused by the sudden interest.

"Yes, very well Professor. As you know I'm ahead in your class as well as in astronomy, potions, and history" I decided to play along to see if he has a reason to approach me.

"My beautiful smart daughter" I swear I heard a low raspy voice speak but Quarrel showed no signs of hearing a voice so I thought I might have imagined it.

"Ve-very go-od" he then walks away and I'm left very confused.

You heard the raspy voice right Medusa speaks again when he rounds the corner.

"So I wasn't crazy" I lower my gaze time Medusa "I thought that was in my head"

Medusa shakes her head I suspect it came from the back of that Professor's head hidden beneath that cloth

"I'll need to investigate that" Medusa nods with me

How she looks up questionably at me

"How do you feel about stalking a teacher" I grinned

Devious, I like that Medusa hisses pleased

I gathered my stuff and went to go follow the teacher. Catching up quickly to the stuttering professor I made sure to keep my distance but keep him in my sight. I followed him till he entered his office.

Allow me Medusa fell from my arm and slithered under the door 

"Meet me as soon as you can" I hissed at her as the last of her tail went under the door.

I continued walking now anxious that my familiar decided to spy. Spending my time till dinner worried. As I sat down for the table I felt Medusa slither up my leg and resecure herself to my arm.

Your father is not dead she hissed quietly he lives upon Quarell's head hidden under the fabric. Your father is making the professor bring in a mountain troll into the castle tonight and then try and retrieve something hidden in the castle

My eyes rise to the faculty table and Quarell was gone. Goosebumps on the back of my neck rise as I realize my father has been here the entire time living like a parasite and watching me. I knew for fact from my godparents I was my father's prized possession and part of what was driving him in the wizarding war was trying to give the world to me. 

I eat slowly my eyes scanning the areas of the great hall.

"Flor, what's wrong," Draco notices my behavior as he sits worried beside me. 

"I just have a bad feeling..." I spare a glance at Draco. I don't have the nerve to tell him what Medusa found out.

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