Judging Other's Emotional Responses

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When you encounter individuals who seem to have it all – recognition from those in positions of power, positive media coverage, a fit physique, substantial wealth, or once-in-a-lifetime experiences – don't assume they are necessarily happy. True happiness and what is good come from the inside and not from external sources. So, there's no need for envy.

Similarly, if you see someone experiencing emotional pain, be cautious not to jump to conclusions. The pain is often a result of their perception of a situation, not the situation itself. If you believe you can help, offer comfort and support, but avoid making false promises or statements that may worsen the situation. If you're unsure of what to do, it's often best to be a listening ear.

Reflect: Do you feel envy towards anyone? How do you respond when you encounter individuals acting impulsively or emotionally?

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