Chapter 6.-Life is a rollercoaster

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On the other hand, Cyrus and Buffy were walking through the park when they discovered Andi with a guy on the swings, both laughing and having fun together.

"Wait a minute...are they? Andi and Jonah?" Cyrus asked as he and Buffy peeked out from behing a bush.

"I thought she was mad at him" Buffy commented. "Cyrus did you bring your spyglass?"

"Luckily I came prepared" Cyrus said with a smirk and watched through the spyglass as Andi was swinging with "Jonah. "Buffy...I think it's not who we think he is"

"What are you talking about?" Buffy asked and Cyrus handed her the spyglass for her to check, immediately realizing that her friend was right. "That guy is definitely not Jonah because he's wearing other clothes, and his backpack has a tiger on it...Cyrus, he's the new guy, who we found this morning"

"You mean Willy?" Cyrus asked.

"Billy" Buffy said. "His name is Billy, and yes he is the one with Andi. Unlike Jonah, our friend is happy and having fun" She touched her chest feeling touched. "I haven't seen Andi like this since she danced with a guy at your Bar-Mitzvah and Jonah was jealous"

"Are you talking about the caricature guy my mom hired for my Bar-Mitzvah?" Cyrus wanted to know and they both saw Andi again with Billy, they had both gotten off the swing and were casually talking. "I know, neither do I. I also remember that the fortune teller told Andi that she would have a boyfriend very soon and sooner than she thought"

"Who knows? maybe fate decided it was Billy" Buffy pointed out. "And it definitely looks like he's the one for Andi"

"We don't know if they're together yet" Cyrus said. "They're just laughing and talking and...Andi's blushing"

"No way" Buffy said, looking through the spyglass. "Yeah she is, and him too" Billy blushed at something Andi said and showed her his dimples.  "He is cute"

"Buffy, are you aware that Jonah and Billy have the same face right?" Cyrus asked. "Practically both are the same guy"

"Billy is cuter and sweeter, I feel sorry for Jonah but he's pretty dumb" Buffy said.

"Hey, Jonah is cool" Cyrus chimed in. "He gave me an award and a space otters t-shirt, plus he's pretty popular and he still knows I exist"

"You say that because you have a crush on him" Buffy commented. 

"Yeah, but I don't think he feels the same way" Cyrus said. "Besides, I'm happy if we're friends, so the situation isn't so awkward"

"Wait, now where are they going?" Buffy interrupted.

"Let me read lips" Cyrus suggested.

"Cyrus, it didn't work last time, remember?" Buffy commented. "You tried to guess what Andi and Amber were talking about"

"Please let me try, I've been practicing" Cyrus said.

"Fine" buffy said and they both continued to look behind the bush.

"It's a tie..." Cyrus repeated trying to read lips. "Let's go...To the drink milkshakes and...taste the baby taters"

"Let me hear" Buffy said, listening to Andi and Billy talking. "They'll go to the spoon and Billy won't let Andi pay for her milkshake"

"That's what I said" Cyrus commented. "I think my lip-reading skills did the trick this time"

"Hey guys" Jonah spoke from behind them and walked over.

"Jonah..." Cyrus said to Buffy and they both turned to look at him. "What's up?" he added casually.

"What are you doing?" Jonah asked. "Are you spying on someone?"

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