Chapter 5.-Getting to know each other

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Bex kept her promise and went to pick up Andi from school after school, they went for pizza and then they met at the vintage clothing store that Bex took Andi the first time to cheer her up after the Bowie incident.

"how do you feel?" Bex asked her as they both walked around the store and checked out the different clothes.

"Honestly, like deja vu," Andi commented. "I hadn't come to this place for months, I remember the first time you brought me was to cheer me up after Bowie left and now... I feel like you do it to cheer me up for everything that happened with Jonah Beck"

"Well, like I told you the other day, I'll always be there for you" Bex told her daughter with a smile. "I actually have an idea"

"Another one?" Andi asked curiously. "I thought this was your idea"

"Yeah, but this one is better," Bex told her.. "Okay, here's what you do; act as if he isn't there"

"But he is there" Andi tried to reason with her mom.

"You're missing the important part of that sentence: "act as if" Bex repeated. "Think of it like I'm giving you an acting challenge. pretend you're Anne Hathaway"

"Not Anne Hathaway," Andi begged.

"Why not Anne Hathaway?" Bex wanted to know.

"She's too talented," Andi confessed. "This is my first acting challenge"

"This scenario we're imagining, it isn't real" Bex chidded. "it's actually a play. And you're the star. Andi Mack is, "Girl who is Totally over him" then she cheers silently.

"Yeah, I see myself more in the supporting role of "Girl sobbing in the bathroom stall" Andi whispers sadly.

"Hey, listen. "Act as if" really works" Bex advises. "I know from personal experience"

"When have you ever had to act as if?" Andi asks as she stops looking at the clothes and looks at her mother with interest.

"Lots of times" Bex commented. "In fact, I plan to do it, when I meet Bowie in the street; I plan to "act as if" I don't know he's dating the doctor of plantology"

"You sound so easy, but I really don't think I can," Andi said. "And when I try to act as if he isn't there, he still haunts me like a ghost."

You're right, it was a terrible idea" Bex said.

"Totally," Andi agreed and they both laughed. "but I give you a ten for the effort"

"Aww, you're so sweet," Bex said, smiling at her beautiful daughter. "How about we try on the clothes and do our own fashion show?"

"I definitely like that idea much better," said Andi with a big smile.

"Come on" Bex told her and the two went to pick out different outfits to try on.

Andi and Bex went to try on different outfits: dresses, skirts, pants, tops, hats, sneakers, boots, sunglasses and pretended they were walking a fashion show, feeling supermodel for a day, and Andi was finally able to have fun with her mom forgetting the drama with Jonah Beck.

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