Chapter 25.-Its complicated

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Hey guys, I am so sorry to keep you waiting on this long hiatus. I am living in another city since december, I started to settle down and as I work all day I barely have time to update regularly but I'll try. Being adult is complicated. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and stay tuned for the next one! :)

Two weeks passed and Andi was calmly eating her cereal for breakfast while Bex ate two slices of toast spread with butter and strawberry jam.

They both ate in silence until Bex decided to speak up and looked at her daughter with a knowing smile.

"Andi, do you know what day it is?" Bex asked suddenly after taking a sip of her coffee.

"Friday," Andi said, dropping her spoon onto the plate.

"Well, it's Friday but it's not just any day," Bex continued with a little smirk. "is special"

"Why? It's not my birthday," Andi said. "and I'm still grounded"

"Today is the day your punishment officially ends," Bex announced. "You are free, you can use the internet, your phone, see your friends and go out with Billy"

Andi looked at her mother with her eyes wide open in surprise and a big smile appeared on her face.

"Wait...are you serious?" Andi asked with a smile from ear to ear. "Am I not grounded anymore?"

"No, but only on the condition that you won't do that again," Bex told him. "At least Jonah's father was a good person and he let you pay for the broken glass." Andi looked down, somewhat embarrassed. "I'm not telling you this to make you feel bad, honey, you simply have to take responsibility for what happened and learn from your mistakes."

"It's just that...I was so mad at Jonah that I wanted to teach him a lesson" Andi responded after eating three more spoonfuls of her cereal and chewing slowly. "He told Billy to break up with me and...because of him, Ive never felt more miserable"

"There are other ways to get back at Jonah without having to involve his dad, don't you think?" Bex inquired.

"It was the same thing Billy told me," Andi confessed. "He told me it was a bad idea to throw the brick at the windshield but I didn't listen to him. I felt a rush of adrenaline and it felt good, although... then Jonah and his dad discovered us and we had to run away"

"If Billy told you it was a bad idea, you shouldve listened to him," Bex replied. "Especially because this isn't the first time you two have gotten into trouble and I had to punish you."

"The time where Billy and I made out in the janitor's closet and he caught us, we ended up in detention with Mrs. Devlin, I relived the same terrifying deja vu," Andi whispers nervously. "Wow, mom just when I was starting to forget that. Thank you so much for reminding me."

"I'm sorry," Bex apologized. "in a way I feel responsible"

"Why?" Andi asked her. "You weren't there when Metcalf sent Billy and me to detention or when I broke the window of Jonah's dad's car".

"No, but the first time you received a punishment was that you fell asleep in class after making yourself look Shhh," Bex reminded her. "And the librarian in that movie looks just like Mrs. Devlin, that's why you were nervous when Metcalf made you go back to the library."

"At least this time Billy was with me, but it was still scary," Andi confessed. "Believe me, I won't make the same mistake again, Mom. I just... I don't know what else to do. Well, Jonah got so mad that he said he wasn't going to talk to me for a while."

"Look on the bright side, at least he'll leave you alone," Bex assured her. "You won't have to worry about Jonah getting between you and Billy."

"Yes, for now," Andi said. "But now I feel bad for his dad. I didn't mean to throw that brick, I didn't know that was his car."

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