Chapter 1.-A plot twist in Philly

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Hey guys! This is the first chapter of this crossover, I am so excited to share it with you and I hope you like this story. I promise that the next chapter will be a bit longer than this, and remember, there will be huge surprises :)

Months had passed since peace had been restored to Philadelphia; Billy Batson and his foster siblings were able to capture the evil doctor Thadeus Sivana and return the eye to the Rock of Eternity; Likewise, Billy was able to find the loving family he always wanted and some great friends, likewise using his powers for good and not wasting it on fame and popularity, but learned to be a leader and a better person, in addition to being a adolescent more self-confident, compassionate and concerned about the well-being of his family.

One night, Victor and Rosa Vazquez and their six adopted children were enjoying a delicious dinner while "Stressed out" by Twenty One Pilots played in the background on the stereo in the living room.

"All hands on deck!" Victor called his family as everyone put their hands in the middle on top of his. "Thank you for this day, thank for this food, thank you for this family and be thankful that no one has caught a cold" they all laughed before starting to eat dinner in silence.

"Well children, today is a very special day" Rosa spoke suddenly and the children looked up to see them.

"why? today is not my birthday" Billy said, confused.

"Not exactly," Victor said. "Actually, your mom and I have news to give you, first of all, Mary will no longer study at the University of California"

"Wait, I thought you were accepted," Freddy wanted to know.

"I know but after thinking about it, it wouldn't be fair to leave my family so I talked to the dean of the university and I rejected the offer" said Mary. "Besides, I would only see them during the holidays and it's not fair, I've never left you"

"Where will you study now?" Pedro asked his sister, he was the member of the group who rarely said anything.

"I will definitely look for a college that is close to you and I won't stay in the dorm," said Mary. "I will go to school and come home after"

Yes!" said Darla, the little African-American girl with immense joy and stood up from the table to hug her sister. "I'm glad you don't have to go to study in another state, I was going to miss you a lot"

"You don't have to worry about that munchkin, I'm not going anywhere," Mary says smiling.. "I was going to miss my adventure partner too, and all of you"

we can be relieved that Mary is staying" added Freddy and everyone laughed.

"Thanks for the news Victor," Pedro said.. "It was the best thing that could have happened on this day, the school was a disaster"

"Someone failed?" Victor asked.

"No, just that the science teacher got sick and we didn't have a substitute so we missed half a class" Billy pointed out.

"You said you had another important thing to tell us," Eugene reminded his parents. "what was it?"

"Actually yes, thanks Eugene" Rosa told him. "Guys, your father and I have something to tell you. not only about Mary, this is something very important"

"Drum roll" Freddy said to his siblings and they all quickly tapped their hands on the table.

"We're moving," Victor said and all six kids widened their eyes, Billy dropped his fork onto his plate.

"What?!" Billy, Mary, Freddy, Darla, Eugene and Pedro exclaimed at unison in shock.

"Wait, could you repeat that? I don't think I heard you right" asked Eugene.

"We're moving from Philly," Victor said again. "They promoted me at my job and they have a headquarters in the new city"

"So soon? But... What about the school?" Freddy asked.

"Yeah, and we already made friends," Darla added.

"I was starting to settle down in this city," confessed Billy.

"Guys, I know this is unexpected and very hard," Rosa said. "We are so comfortable here and you are happy in your school, but think that this is a chance for your father, he was promoted and it's a good job. Besides, I'm sure that they will like their new school and they will make new friends"

"We understand Rosa," Mary pointed out. "simply, not many of us are used to changes, how are you sure that we will do well in the new place?"

"Because we are sure that you guys will love the new house and make friends quickly," Victor assured them.

"And where will we go?" Eugene asked.

"Shadyside" Rosa Said.

"Shadyside?! The six kids protested in unison.

"Since when did this become a choir?" Victor asked with a smirk.

Is that even in America? because it sounds pretty far," said Darla.

"It's inside the United States baby," Rosa said softly to the girl. "We will only move to another city, we won't leave the country"

And when are we leaving?" Pedro asked.

"Tomorrow," Victor said. "the sooner we leave the better"

"We hardly have time to pack," Freddy protested. "can't it be in two days?"

"Good point," Rosa told her husband. "We just told the news to the children honey, they need time to process it. I also think we move in two days"

"Those who are in favor of us moving to Shadyside tomorrow," Victor said, raising his hand.

"And those who are in favor of moving in two days" Billy said raising his hand, everyone except Victor raised his hand. "sorry Victor, the votes have spoken"

"Fine, it will be in two days," Victor said. "So enjoy our last dinner in this house, because the next one will be in the new one" he added with a smile. "come on guys, it will be an adventure"

Okay" Mary nodded and looked at her siblings. "Come on, a group hug" she spread her arms. "please"

Billy, Darla, Freddy, Eugene, Pedro, Victor and Rosa approached Mary and the eight members of the family shared a group hug, accepting the news and celebrating that an incredible new event was about to happen; maybe they would miss Philadelphia, but at the same time Shadyside would be a big change and other airs would be breathed. Who knows? maybe love would be found along the way.

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