Chapter 26.-Reasons

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*This chapter is titled after the song by Earth Wind & Fire*

Billy was still processing what he had just seen in the dance hall; the love of his life dancing with his identical twin and both sharing romantic glances. The worst thing is that it wasn't just any dance, it was a romantic one; the tango. Billy didn't want to think the worst and believe that his girlfriend was cheating on him with Jonah and still had feelings for him. No, he was going to talk to Andi personally and have her explain her reasons, he trusted her and they both loved each other. Andi would be unable to destroy her relationship with Billy by pursuing an affair with Jonah.
So he decided to wait for Andi to leave her class to confront her; I would do it in an honest way but being tactful and gentle with her; Billy swore to himself to never make the mistake of pressuring his girlfriend again by choosing him between him and Jonah hurting her in the process. No, he would be smarter this time and use the wisdom that the wizard gave him when choosing him as his champion; but this time, being himself.

"Trust her Billy" he told himself. "Don't get ahead of yourself yet and think the worst. Andi would never do that to you," he added, rubbing his temples and closing his eyes as he leaned against one of the lockers. "Be smart"

"Talking to yourself again?" A familiar voice spoke from behind him, making him jump. Billy turned around and saw Freddy, who was smirking.

"Jesus!" Exclaimed Billy putting a hand on his heart.

"I'm Freddy actually, not the messiah" Freddy joked. "But thank you"

"Freddy, you scared the hell out of me" Billy hissed. "Where did you appear from?"

"I just finished another tutoring session with Anne" Freddy explained. "And little by little she has been improving in history"

"Are you sure you're just tutoring her or is the relationship between you guys serious?" Billy asked.

"We already had our first date" Freddy explained. "We went to the virtual reality arcade and it was amazing. But what about you dude? What are you doing here alone outside the dance class and talking to yourself about Andi?"

"I saw something that got me upset, but I don't want to think the worst until I talk to Andi," Billy explains with a sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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