Chapter 21.-Against all odds

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Once again, Andi used her strength to push Jonah away, and he looked at her hurt in rejection. 

"Get out of here" Andi said coldly and handed him the box with the presents. "and take this with you" 

"Andi..." Jonah started to say, his eyes brimming with tears. 

"Just do it" Andi said. "I thought we could be friends but I don't think it's a good idea, you're just looking for a way to hurt me and I can't go on with this anymore" she walked towards the door and opened it. "go away please" 

"Andi, don't do this to me" Jonah begged her, she pushed him out of the house and closed the door in his face. "please!" he started pounding on the door in anguish. "Andi!"

 She closed the windows and curtains so she wouldn't hear Jonah's anguished cries and tapping on the window. Andi slowly slid down to sit on the floor, covered her face with her hands and started to cry, feeling like she betrayed Billy by letting his identical twin kiss her.

During the next days that passed, Andi felt too guilty about Jonah Beck's kiss and refused to see or talk to Billy, even looking for an excuse to avoid it, even though she had not reciprocated Jonah, she felt that she betrayed her sweet, beautiful and beloved Billy Batson.

Meanwhile, Billy was in his room texting Andi, he had finished his homework and just wanted to talk to his girlfriend. he didn't understand it, he thought things were fine between them when they hugged in the park and now Andi was ghosting him out of nowhere.

Billy]: Babe?

[Billy]: Can we talk?

[Andi]; Read

[Billy]: Please Andi?

[Andi]: Read

[Billy]: I miss you

[Andi]: Read

Billy dropped his phone on the bed, sighed, and put his hands up to his face. 

"Hey buddy, ready to get your butt kicked in Mortal Kombat?" Freddy said with a smirk. "I already improved my game and you're not going to beat me this time"

 "I'm not in the mood to play Mortal Kombat Freddy" Billy said sadly, getting up from the bed and walking over to the window, leaning out.

 "We don't have to play video games if you don't want to Billy" said Freddy putting the video game on the nightstand, before taking a few comic books out of the drawer. "We can read comics; I know how much you love Wonder Woman, about something from Justice League?"

 "I'm not in the mood to read comics either," Billy said. "and my relationship with Wonder Woman will never come true, she's older than me. besides, my heart belongs to Andi, well, or that's what I thought" he kept looking out the window.

"What happened between the two of you?" Freddy said, now looking extremely confused. "Last time I saw you with Andi, you guys were so in love" 

"Freddy, that was weeks ago" Billy replied in frustration. "and now Andi is ghosting me, she won't answer my calls or texts, and when we're at school she passes me by, I don't know if we're still together or if we broke up, she just refuses to talk to me!"

"Okay, don't yell at me" Freddy said, raising his arms in surrender.

"Sorry, I'm not mad at you" Billy said walking over to the desk and sitting in the chair. "I'm just angry and frustrated with the situation. I don't know what to do"

"Just talk to her" Freddy told him. "maybe there's a reason why she acts that way"

 "I already tried" said Billy showing his cell phone to his brother with the record of missed calls. "Andi doesn't want to talk to me"

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