Harry Potter:Almost forgot|Blairon

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Happy Valentines! or not if your reading this any day other than 2/14/23 

Ron's POV: 

Me and Harry were walking through the halls chatting when Pansy comes out of nowhere and says Weasley Potter I hate her saying my last name still even though there was a truce and were all past that but what ever, what do you need? Harry asks do you know where Mione is? she asks she went to the library I said recalling Hermione telling me and Harry she was going to look for some books to help us study thanks see you guys Pansy says then rushes off that was strange Harry says yup I agree I wonder why she was looking for Hermione I say I don't know maybe they have a date and she wants to make sure Mione doesn't forget Harry says yeah she is sucked into her books a lot I say. Wanna head to get some ice cream? I ask after we find out what the day is Harry says reminding us of why were going to the Gryffindor tower. When I open the door Ginny runs up to me screaming whoah what happened? I ask Luna asked me to be her valentines! Ginny yells even though I'm right next to her geese she's been head over heels for that girl for so long wait what do you mean Valentines isn't that tomorrow? Harry asks you idiots todays Valentines she says wait what? Harry says oh my god we forgot! I yell bloody hell Ron first Ginny screaming into my ear now you Harry says sorry I say well you to better make plans with your lovers bye Ginny says giving us the peace sign and walking out of the Gryffindor lounge, I'm going to write a letter to Draco Harry says okay I'm going to just get ice cream Valentines is boring I say Ron this is literally your first Valentines with a lover go make the best of it or even just drag Blaise along to get ice cream with you Harry says then walks off, he does have a point maybe I should try and surprise Blaise with some ice cream or something ugh this is useless I have no clue what to do. I head to my room to see a letter on the ground near my open window, I go over and pick it up. as I slowly open it I see the handwriting and know who's its from instantly well luckily I don't have to worry over what to do now I think as I skim over the letter to read that Blaise wants to meet up I put the letter down and decide I look good enough I was wearing a yellow shirt and brown pants so thats good enough. I get to the area where Blaise wanted to meet up and see him in the distance, I run over to him and say you wanted to see me? I look to see he was holding something behind his back yeah I got you something I was going to get your favorite Knickerbocker Glory but instead got you this Blaise says then hands me a red heart shaped box, I opened it to see chocolate inside aw thanks Blaise I say and close the box back up to not have the temptation to eat them all, no problem babe Blaise says and gives me his charming smile wanna have a sleepover in my room? I ask I don't see why not Blaise says he looks at me for a few seconds until I decide to speak up what? maybe I look bad no maybe he's just admiring me because I mean I am gorgeous. I want a thank you for the chocolate he says with a smirk I look at him confused and say thank you then kiss him cause I know thats what he actually wanted. Happy Valentines day I say, Happy Valentines day babe he says and kisses me again. 

Fandom one-shot'sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora