Harry Potter:Why The Library?|Pansmione

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Happy Valentines Day! or not if your not reading this on Valentines day

Pansy POV: 

I was walking through the halls wondering where my girlfriend could be on Valentines day she promised me we can go to this muggle restaurant I saw so where is she? I saw Weasley and Potter but where are there boyfriends? Oh well they probably know were Mione is. Weasley Potter I say walking over to them what do you need? Potter asks do you know where Mione is? I ask she went to the library Weasley says thanks see you guys I say and walk to where to library is. I open the library door and head inside to search for my girlfriend, I walk all over the place but  no sign of my girlfriend. After a while I see her so I walk over and whisper where have you been? I pull the book down to be met with her hazel eyes sorry what did you need? she whispers its valentines day you said we can go to the muggle restaurant I whisper to her oh yeah go get ready I'll meet you at the front of the school she whispers ok I whisper back and walk off to go get ready. I walk into the Slytherin dungeons to see Blaise lying on the floor looking defeated whoah whats wrong with you I ask I forgot all about Valentines Day and I don't know what to do Blaise says and looks up at me well first off get your lazy (bad word ahead) ass off the dirty floor and buy Ron a gift I say Blaise gets up off the dirty dungeon floors what gift should I buy him? Blaise asks chocolate its perfect for a gift I say thanks Pans Blaise says then walks off I continue walking to my room to change, I change into a green turtleneck sweater, some black jeans with black boots. I grab my wand and put it in a secret pocket in my jeans, I walk to the grand entrance of Hogwarts to meet up with my girlfriend. And ofcourse she isn't here I wait around for a bit then think to myself the library should just be her valentines and girlfriend instead. I continue waiting for a bit then head off to the library to find her, when I open the library door I see her running towards the door but stop when she sees me. I walk over to her and grab her hand and drag her out of the library the book still in her other hand, I'm so sorry Pans she says when we are outside of the library I'm picking out what you wear then we are using my broomstick to get to the muggle restaurant I say and hold her hand tighter while walking to the Gryffindor towers. after I hand her a violet dress to change into I wait for her to finish changing, she comes out looking stunning the sleeves were puffy and the dress stopped at her knees the dress like a light violet. I don't know about this it looks- I interrupt her you look amazing don't worry but let me brush your hair I grab her hairbrush and brush through her hair with it then grab my green hair tie I had on my hand and put her hair into a braid. There I'm done I say backing up to admire how stunning she looks, well lets go to this restaurant you've been dying to go to she says smiling we walk hand in hand to the front of the school and get on my broomstick I feel her hands hold onto my waist so I fly us into the air heading towards the direction it is. when we finally got there it was now night we had a fun fly but I had to be careful when we landed so people don't see, we hid my broomstick in a bush and headed inside. We get seated by our waiter at the table and Mione already can't tell what she wants I look at the menu to decide I want just a water I decide I wait for our waiter to come while Mione decided what she wanted hello what would you two lovely lady's like to drink today? the waiter asked hello I would like just a water please I say and look over at Mione ok and you Ms? the waiter looks at Mione I would like the lavender tea please Mione says ok I will be back with your drinks the waiter says and walks off why did you just get water Pans? Mione asks eh nothing just seemed good I say I thought you would of got the lemon sunrise drink she says I thought about it but it had a lot of alcohol in it I say makes sense she says as the waiter comes back with our drinks surprisingly fast here you guys go she says and puts the drinks on the table do you guys already know what you want for food? she asks and pulls out her notepad yes can I have the pesto pasta salad with a side of bread rolls Mione says I would like the beef burger with a side of sweet potato fries I say and put down the menu I was holding ok I will be back soon with that for you lovely ladies the waiter says and walks off me and Mione talk while waiting for our food when the waiter comes back and has it here you guys go the waiter says me and Mione thank them then they walk off and we enjoy our food with the casual chatting here and there. will that be it for you ladies? the waiter asks we would like to order your red velvet cake as dessert then that will be it I say ok coming right up the waiter says then walks away, the waiter puts the cake on the table the the check and walks away I pick some of the cake up with the fork and feed it to Mione then she does the same and feeds me we do that back and forth until we are done. I grab the check and check how much it was to see the whole dinner was $23.09 I add a 40% tip then wait for the waiter to come back and hand the check to her with my credit card in it, I wait until she comes back with the credit card then me and Mione leave. 

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