Chapter 8

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Meisner's fists collided with Menace's jaw. Her brain rattled as she collapsed on the cold cemented floor. Groaning, she wipes the blood on the side of her lips, pushing herself up with the help of the bed in the corner of the dark room. Ringing filled her ears and her surroundings encircled her.

It's been a week since she started training under Meisner. Some of the bruises from the first day, already healed, but not with new ones added every day. She's sure she'll have another purplish one on her cheekbone after the current training session.

"You're getting faster, but you're still predictable," Meisner stated, his fists balled up in front of him, not letting his guard down. He knows that Menace being predictable is true, but from time to time, she will throw something he can never see coming. He learned that lesson that day he got his jaw dislocated after Menace tripped him, before kneeing him in the head.

"You've been saying that for the last hour. I'm starting to think that you're teasing me." Menace replied, grinning while tilting her head to both sides, bones cracking. Raising her fists once again.

She heard Meisner take a step, so she ready herself for the incoming attack, only to be interrupted by the knocking at the door.

"We'll continue this tomorrow. For now, go home and do whatever you do with Nick." Menace rolled her eyes at the evident annoyance in his tone.

Light flooded the dark room when Meisner opened the doors. Menace even has to squint her eyes for a moment because of its brightness. They'd been inside the room for hours and her eyes already adjusted to it. Now, her eyes need to adjust to the light.

"That's a sporting new bruise." Trubel started, standing at the side of the door, watching as Menace and Meisner stepped out. The man leading ahead. "Do you have another excuse for Nick about that?" she continued.

"None in mind. But I'll be fine." the latter answered, her eyes already adjusted to the light.

"You know you'll have to tell him, right?" Trubel stated, handing Menace her jacket, along with her car keys and phone, which the other quickly checked—cursing under her breath when she saw all the missed calls from Nick.

"I will in one of these days. For now, I have to go. I'll see you all tomorrow." Menace muttered, rushing past Meisner, who suddenly grabbed her elbow, earning a confused look from both women.

"Put ice on this to reduce the swelling if ever." he started, softly brushing his thumb across the forming bruise in Menace's cheekbone.

"Awwee. Someone's worried. Don't worry, baby, I know how to take care of myself." Menace playfully answered, earning a scowl from the latter when she softly tapped his jaw, before running from them.

A wide grin plastered on her face.

"I'm in front of it," Menace said through the phone, looking up at the old industrial building. The words 'Imperial Paints Paint Factory' are painted on top with bold peeling red letters.

"Go in." she heard Nick answer from the other line as the mechanical door slid open, revealing a smiling Nick wearing long blue-green sleeves.

Menace was driving her car inside when Nick stepped aside, parking along with three other vehicles. Nick closes the gate with a mechanical passcode etched into the wall beside it, rushing after Menace the moment he finishes doing so. Then smiling upon seeing the large boxes of pizzas in her hands.

"Isn't that too many?" he asked, smiling wider when he saw the panicked look on the latter's face.

"Is it too much?" she blurted, glancing at the pizza boxes in her hand, then back to her car, debating whether to put it back again or not.

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