Chapter 6

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Once everything was explained, Nick and Menace left the place. They made sure to be discreet about it as they returned to the precinct.

"You go ahead. I'll drop my things at the store first, then come back here." Menace stated, looking at her car parked on the opposite road. Her things were in the backseat, a mess after leaving the apartment she rented in a rush after the attack.

"Do you need me to escort you?" Nick offered, to which she shook her head.

"It's okay. I can manage, Nick." the latter nodded at her, before proceeding to the steps, as Menace ran across the road, making sure there was no car coming.

As she was about to open the door to the driver's seat, her phone started ringing from the back pocket of her jeans. An unknown ID caller showing on the screen. She had a feeling who it might be and answered the call.

"Meisner?" she started, getting inside her car.

"Fast thinking, I see." His deep baritone voice reverberated through the phone. Authority coated his tone even though he wasn't making a command.

"What do you need?" she asked, putting the key in the ignition, before leaning back on her seat.

"Get back here once you're free, and when I say free, I meant not being called by Nick or disturbed by anything." Menace rolled her eyes at the sound of his tone. It was commanding this time. Telling her what to do.

"For what?" she barked back. Her tone matched his.

"You'll know once you get here." Menace felt suddenly annoyed at the fact that she could hear the smirk in his tone and that he hung up the call before she could say anything.

Letting out a sigh, she threw her phone into the passenger seat, before finally starting the car and getting on the road.

Menace decided not to drop her things in the shop yet, instead, she went inside the precinct. She searched for Nick, but he was nowhere to be seen, Hank wasn't there too.

"You looking for Nick?" she smiled at Wu, the other officer who's also always with Nick and Hank, then nodded at him. "The Captain called for them. Something important I guess," he stated, pointing at the office where the curtains are drawn down, making sure no one can see inside.

"Thanks," she said, smiling at the officer who smiled back before going back to his desk.

She sat down at the chair where she sat just this morning. Her phone vibrated through her jeans. A familiar name registered on the screen upon checking it.

"Hello, Uncle." she started, a smile sliding across her lips.

"How's it going? Have you settled down?" the man replied from the other side.

It's been almost a week since she called him, telling the man that the mother she was trying to find had passed away, and instead, met his cousin who turned out to be a Grimm too.

Her Uncle, Henry Beckett, is the brother of her adoptive mother who was also adopted when she was a baby. Henry, a Hundjager had always known Menace was a Grimm. He saw himself through her eyes when she was seven. He was sure she hadn't known anything by that time, and it only happened because she was in distress after waking up from a nightmare the night she spent a night at his house. Thankfully, after seeing his Hundjager form, she also took it as a Nightmare at that time.

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