Chapter 19 - Warden

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The cell was cold and barren. Stripped of any warmth.

Warden banged on the cell doors while the others sat in silence. Evangeline sulked, polishing her dagger which she was surprisingly allowed to keep.

Amaryllis napped, her magical dress fanned out over her for warmth.

Mark huddled by himself in the corner of his own cell, appearing to be completely still.

Lauren checked her nails over and over again, trying to look bored but failing miserably.

Finally, Mark spoke up. "I still can't believe you did that in the arena, Warden."

Warden blushed. "It was nothing."

"It was genius." Lauren told him, making him blush even harder.

Then a cloaked figure came down the stairs. Golden curls flowed out of the black hood and when she spoke, it was the voice of a woman.

"We will see Lord Mark." She told the guard, who nodded and quickly opened the door to Mark's cell.

Mark, looking scared and confused, followed them obediently up the staircase.

One by one, the five were called. First Mark, Lauren second, then Evangeline, Amaryllis next and finally, Warden.

Nervous, he let them lead him through what appeared to be a large mansion. Or a sort of castle. The spiral stairs seemed to drag in forever, even though there there were only about a hundred or so steps.

The others hadn't returned yet, and that worried Warden the most. What were they going to do to him? Hopefully nothing.

He got his answer as he was dragged into a room. It was covered from floor to ceiling with maps and globes. War plans and blueprints for ships, weapons and bases were stretched across the table.

The cloaked figure from earlier got up from her seat  to greet Warden. "Mr. Warden, welcome."

Warden bowed, almost automatically. The guards left, leaving Gina bd the woman together.

She removed her cloak to reveal warm brown eyes and soft features.

"I am Shannon of the Forgotten Army." She introduced.

She motioned for Warden to take a seat while she paced the room.

"The Forgotten Army is a collection of the forgotten and unimportant members of society, who are working together to seize the throne and bring an end to Lord Cassius's rule." Shannon explained.

"We work in the shadows, with people in the shadows with a few exceptions for spies."

Shannon smiled. "But enough about us, what about you? Your greatest wish?"

Warden opened his mouth to speak but Shannon shushed him, turning her back to him.

"I am one of the highest level members of the Forgotten Army, in charge of recruiting new members. I know what you want. Financial security for you and your family. You want to feel safe and comfortable. And I can give that to you. We can."

Shannon turned back to him. Warden felt himself heat up, disliking that someone knew so much about him without him even knowing.

"We know that candidates, of a people, can feel the full grasp of the Lord's true power over the Empire and so, we invite you to join the Forgotten Army."

She extended her hand towards Warden, inviting him.

"Can you really?" Warden whispered quietly. Shannon nodded. Then, with a shaking hand, he extended it to Shannon who grasped it firmly and shook it. "Welcome."


Guards led Warden towards a new room. A large banquet table was at up, food like the palace's laid out on it.

Warden took his place at the table. Amaryllis, Mark,  Lauren and Evangeline were already there, looking downhearted and tired. He noticed a brand new sheath strapped to Amaryllis's left leg. He noticed that each of them, and with pang, him too, were in their outfits from the parade.

Shannon entered, in a brand new turquoise dress that shimmered in the light. Grabbing a glass, she stood and made a toast.

"Thank Sir Lauren of the Centre, brave warrior of the Royal Guard." She said tipping her glass to Lauren.

"Bless Prince Adam of the East, lost heir to the throne." She tipped her glass towards Mark, whose head was down. Gasps, Warden's included, went off. Only Amaryllis and Shannon's isn't seem totally shocked.

"Praise Lady Amaryllis of the South, stolen Sorceress Supreme of Elvlossea."

"Be indebted to Sir Warden of the West, humble and stable keeper of our peace."

"Hail Princess Evangeline of the North, queen of snow and ice."

"And welcome these newest additions to the Forgotten Army, may the gods bless them."


"Come." Amaryllis beckoned them as she dragged them through the halls to her room. While the others had barely gotten used to the castle, Amaryllis already the walls memorized.

She sighed as the other piled in. "Ok. We leave tomorrow night at the crack of dawn."

Evangeline narrowed her eyes. "Why?"

"I don't trust them." Amaryllis explained. Lauren agreed. "Neither do I."

Mark- no, Adam - shook his head. "But explain to us why you don't trust them."

"Can't you see?" She snarled, "They want to get Lord Cassius off of the throne. Then what? They'll out one of their own members on the throne and kill us. They're using us. Maybe not now, but people buckle in the face of power."

Warden nodded. "Let's go."

Adam spun on him. "No. It's safe here." He insisted. "Let's stay."

"Amaryllis is right. People change quickly." Lauren said quietly.

Adam turned to Evangeline. "What about you."

Evangeline groaned and turned to step out of the door. "I'm going."

Amaryllis nodded. "Bring anything you need to me. I'll pack it."

Adam sighed in defeat.

Warden felt anxious, a mixture of feelings including nervous, happy and confused.

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