Chapter 9 - Amaryllis

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I have nothing to prove. Amaryllis told herself. Scratch that, she had everything to prove. This was her chance to show them what she could do.

"Amaryllis Van Gulierro." Aisling called.

Amaryllis stepped forwards, nervous. Then she swung her arms. Light shot of of them and curled themselves around the pillars of the building. Amaryllis weaved and created more light, in various colours.

People oohed and awed in the audience below. Amaryllis flicked her wrist and a few light breezes twirled themselves into the crowd. Some children gasped with delight.

Amaryllis waved her right arm, hard, and a few of the pollards started to crumble. The roof of the stage came crumbling down. Screams came from the people. Then, Amaryllis did the same thing with her other arm. The cracks repaired themselves and the rubble floating back to their places.

Sighs of relief were released and applause given. Amaryllis gave a graceful curtsy and almost ran back to her place.

"Max Valdez."

Max performed a speech. Chelsea played a song on the violin. Sophia and Logan performed a debate skit.

"Let me be your Emperor. Let me be your leader, your ruler whom you will view as your equal and not your senior. Allow me to rule in a time of distant peace. I will not stand above you. I will not ignore the words and cries of help from my people. Let us build a new empire. Together."

Bohemian Rhapsody was blasted in Amaryllis's ears. Along with some mediocre singing. At best. The shrill and high pitched sounds pierced Amaryllis's ears and she winced. It was clear that everyone else was shocked too.
"My god." Sophia complained.

"My lord. We must discuss our pending alliance." She prompted.

"Yes. How about a bargain?" Logan replied.

"What would you like? More territory? More livestock? All of our riches? Name your price and my court will consider it with great splendour."

Logan tapped his chin. "How about a marriage? My eldest son requires a bride. Give me your youngest daughter's hand in marriage and consider our alliance complete. An alliance secured by blood."

"Very well." Sophia agreed.

More notes were taken down. Frowns and smiles and nods of approval were given. Amaryllis laced her fingers together. Her stomach churned.

"Come." Aisling said. They followed her, giving anxious glances at the paint buckets.

"Lady Amaryllis Van Gulierro. You demonstrated your ability and gift of magic. A truly growing my unique treasure and a great tool for a ruler."

"Miss Chelsea Yu. You showed us... a gift... But many found it lacking in... character."

"Mr. Max Valdez. Your speech's as compassionate and promising to us. However, it is also a promise you cannot keep."

"Madame Sophia Velichko and Sir Logan Henderson. You showed us a wonderful scene. It showed us your ability to create alliances. Vital ones with resource that are disposable.

"The eliminations for the first round from the Southern Kingdom shall be..."

"Miss Chelsea Yu and Mr. Max Valdez."

The paint splashed. Amaryllis winced. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Lord Cassius staring at her with interest.

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