Chapter 11 - Adam

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"Allow me to explain the rules." Aisling said.

Adam took a deep breath. It was a few days from the attack. The next trial would be away from the public.

"The race is an important one. It tests all of your knowledge and ability as a royal. Several tasks will be given to you across the map. Complete the first to get a transport to the next. The last from each kingdom to finish shall be eliminated."

Sharp intakes came from all around the room.

"You may begin."

The scenery melts into a beautiful green landscape. Bushy hills and leafy trees are mixed in with the lush grass.

Adam stood, admiring the background while the others ran off.

"Mark." Amaryllis hissed next to him. Adam spun around. "Huh?"

Amaryllis rolled her eyes. "Do you want to partner up? You look hopeless."

Adam blushed. "Sure."

Amaryllis shoved a knife into his hand. She herself carried a bow and and a sheath of arrows hung over her shoulder. "You better be useful."

"I will be." Adam promised.

Amaryllis's face hardened and her eyes darkened as she notched an arrow. "Move."



Amaryllis didn't wait for Adam to move. She let the arrow free, it tearing through the air and into the space behind Adam. He was angry.

"What the heck what that for?" Then he screamed.

A towering monster with fur covering its every square millimetre was falling behind him. Amaryllis's arrow was lodged in its chest.

Unassuming from the outside, but pulsing with strong and dangerous magic from the inside. The creature fell, a tremble starting around them.

Amaryllis rolled her eyes. "Helping you was a mistake."

She bent down and picked up two plants. One was a funnel shaped red and white flower which Amaryllis out in her hair. An amaryllis.

The second was a small orange berry, about the size of a pea. Amaryllis rolled it in her fingers, before bringing it up to her lips and opening her mouth.

Adam's eyes widened as he recognized the berry. Kansyria had warned him against them many times before. Adam dove towards Amaryllis, intent on stopping her from eating it.

Surprised, Amaryllis dropped the berry as Adam came and knocked both of them down.

"What was that for?!" She cried.

"American bittersweet. Poisonous when ingested by humans." Adam told her, pointing to the berry.

Amaryllis's eyes widened in recognition. "Thank you." She mumbled, not meeting his eyes.

Adam didn't reply. Instead, he smiled.

"Let's go." Amaryllis hissed as a portal opened up in front of them. Amaryllis climbed through it while Adam followed, in awe.

Adam ended up in a room made of stone. He looked down and recoiled.

He wore a fitted navy suit with matching pants. Silver cuff links were strung together on the base of his sleeves. Aisling voice came from an unseen speaker.

"Congratulations Mark Fields. You have passed the first task: the defeat of the monster. Now you have your second task: leave the dining table with a plausible excuse and without attracting negative or unwanted attention. We wish you the best of luck."


The table was laid with rich and luxurious foods. Wines and champagnes of all sorts filled the glasses of the elite of the empire and beyond.

"Welcome, Lady Amaryllis." Emperor Arthur said. His father, Adam realized with a jolt.

Aisling's voice appeared in his head again. "Since you and Amaryllis passed together, you will be doing this next task together as well. Here is your story: You are a noble man, as the nephew of the emperor and 4th in line to the throne. Before you are: Prince Adam; son of Emperor Arthur, your father and your older brother. Lady Amaryllis is the second daughter of a distant realm called Sariasas."

"Pleased and glad to be here." Amaryllis replied, lifting up a goblet.

Madame Selena, an advisor of the emperor raised her eyebrows and leaned forward. "I've heard rumours of a romantic relationship between you and our cherished Lord Mark."

Amaryllis shrugged. "Rumours are nothing but leaves of lies," she paused to take a sip of her wine, "stemmed from truth."

Madame Selena seemed satisfied with that. Aisling, who sat next to her, gave an approving nod to Amaryllis.

"Excuse me," Amaryllis said. She got up from her seat. "Please allow me to take a short trip to the restroom."

Emperor Arthur nodded. "Of course."

The dinner continued in silence, the scrape of knives and forks against the cool porcelain plates that lined the table. A servant entered the room.

"A call has been made for Lord Mark, to be seen in the chambers of the Lady Amaryllis."

Several gasps and whispers erupted from the diners. "Go." Emperor Arthur commanded.

Grateful, Adam rose from his own seat and hurried out of the room, then he realized he had no idea where Amaryllis's room was supposed to be. It didn't matter as the scene soon became inked in darkness and the world spun.

"A job well done, Mark Fields. Welcome to the next task. Navigate an alliance and weave it into the foundation of our empire. Make it beneficial to us, and also to the other end of the deal. Good luck."


Emperor Arthur sat in his large throne of gold and precious gems. "Welcome dear nephew."

Adam bowed and faced his father. But it wasn't his father. It was an echo carefully and artfully created for the purposes of entertainment and manipulation.

"We desire an alliance with the Sariasas. Have you any suggestions?"

Adam took a deep breath. "Yes. Yes, I do."

Emperor Arthur raised his eyebrows. "And that idea is?"

"The Sariasas have a daughter, Lady Amaryllis. Her older sister, Princess Bianca, is the heir and also betrothed. I offer my own bachelorhood to her."

Emperor Arthur smiled. "Very well."


"Get up, get up, get up!" A voice called over the announcements. It was Aisling's annoying one. "We have a rather exciting announcement to make! One of our Northern Kingdom competitors have completed the Race! We have Lady Evangeline Mirrors at the finish line. Hurry up, the race has just begun."

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