Chapter 2 - Evangeline

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The fanfare blew across the land, mixing in with the harsh blows of the wind. The Northern Kingdom was the coldest. Both the climate and it's people. The people of the North were warriors, and they would die to protect their honour.

The fanfare blew across the land, signalling the start of a new Trial. Evangeline smiled as she punched the punching bag. Panting, she took a sip of water and sat down on the bench.

"Weak." A voice called. Evangeline skin around, her raven black braid whipping around her. Her mother. She stood tall, built with muscle and harsh tactics and expectations for her children.

Evangeline glanced at the towering castle of the North Kingdom. Once, Queen Lilian resided in its chambers. Then, with a pang, Evangeline remembered. Us too.

Her father was the Prince Dane. The younger brother of Queen Lilian and the late father of Evangeline. He died 10 years ago, when Evangeline was only 7. She missed him.

Evangeline shook her head and got back to training. There was no more room in her heart for love. For any sort of affection.

Her brother, Richard, stood at the archery range, firing arrows after Artie with perfect accuracy.

Evangeline sighed as the fanfare rang once again. Pursing her lips, Madame Mirrors handed Evangeline and Richard their jackets.

"Go." She instructed. Obeying, Richard and Evangeline trudged across the cold snow to the sign up lines.

Children and adults alike stood in lines all over the town. While only children could actually participate, many parents had come for support. It made her mother and father's absences feel even bolder.

Stares and whispers came from every direction as Richard and Evangeline came through. They were royalty, after all. And no matter how dead their father was, the blood of the Northern dragon Gloria still ran through their veins.

"Name, place of residence and ID?" The man at the counter asked.

Nervous, Evangeline replied. "Evangeline Mirrors. Glorian Cottage on the grounds of the Northern Palace."

The man's eyes grew curious as from under her cloak, Evangeline pulled out a tiara. It was that of the prince's eldest daughter.

"Very well. You may leave."

Evangeline did so quickly.

"Eva. How do you think your chances are?" Richard asked.

Evangeline sighed. "Not good. Unless the system is as rigged and corrupt as we think."

Richard tugged at his collar as they approached the grounds again.

Madame Mirrors greeted them, not kindly. Handing Evangeline a dagger and Richard a knife, she instructed them, "Get back to training."


The fanfare nearly blasted Evangeline's ears off.

"And the representatives for the Northern Kingdom in the upcoming Trials will be..."

Evangeline held her breath.

"Kathleen Evans."

Evangeline exhaled.

"Joshua Evans."

Evangeline closed her eyes, bracing herself.

"Caleb Lee."

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