Chapter 1 - Adam

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10 Years Later

Adam stared blankly out of the window.

"My darling, what is wrong?" Kansyria asked. Her beautiful face wore a look of concern. But Adam knew that she knew.

The loud fanfare blew in the distance, signalling the  start of the trial. Kansyria gazed out and a sad smile appeared on her face. Adam knew she longed to leave. She had been confined to this forest for over 15 years.

"Please let me." Adam begged, turning away from the window. "I could win."

Kansyria put down her basket of laundry. "And if you don't? What if your uncle discovers who you are? No. I must protect you. That is my duty and I will die serving it."

Adam wanted to scream. "My parents are dead! You don't need to keep your oath anymore."

Kansyria closed her eyes, and drew a shaky breath. "No matter how dead your parents are, Adam, I have an oath to keep. I must raise you in this forest until the day you can challenge for the throne."

"This is my chance! Can't you see it?" Adam asked her. Kansyria shook her head and drew a sword from a sheath strapped to her leg.

She swung it fiercely at Adam, who tripped backwards into a table and knocked it over. The brown flower pot contains a rose feel the the ground and shattered. Kansyria sighed. "See?

Adam scowled. "You took me by surprise, that's all."

Kansyria picked her basket back up and looked Adam in the eyes. "That is not it. You are not ready. You will not enter into the trial, and you will remain in this cottage until I say otherwise."

She left the room, and Adam saw her go outside to hang up the laundry. He sighed, perching hi moon the windowsill. Sometimes he felt like Kansyria was too harsh, but he knew it was because she cared for him.

He watched as Kansyria came back inside, then a moment later, came out the door again. Now she wore a brown cloak and started to walk to the edge of the grounds.

An idea popped into Adam's head and he raced downstairs, pulled on his boots and quietly opened the door. Creeping to the forest, he made sure that he didn't step on any sticks or leaves.

Kansyria was now out of view but Adam still had to be careful.

He spotted Kansyria up ahead, her brown hair billowing in the wind. Then she turned, the opposite direction of Adam's destination.

What were the chances that he would be chosen anyways? After all, he was one in many, many young girls and boys who wished to challenge for the throne.

Adam stood in line, watching his watch constantly for the time. Kansyria wouldn't be gone forever.

"Name, place of residence and ID?" The woman at the counter asked.

"Mark Fields. The Forest shack. And, here."

The woman raised her eyebrows as Adam handed her a stolen ID from Kansyria. But he knew what had surprised her was his address.

"Very well." She said, handing him back his ID.

Adam left the line and ran back to the forest. Not even caring about whether or not he made a sound or broke any branches or crunched any leaves.

Then he saw a cloaked figure in the distance.

He tore through to the cottage and ran into the house, slamming the door shut, handing his jacket, removing his boots and sprinting up to his room. He flew onto his bed just as Kansyria appeared in the meadow. Adam breathed a sigh of relief.


"Adam?" Kansyria's voice carried up to the second floor. It sounded steady, but ready to burst. "Come down here."

Adam obeyed, wondering what was going on. He knew as soon as he stepped down those stairs.

Two officials stood in the doorway, held back by a very red faced Kansyria.

"What is the meaning of this?" She demanded.

Adam studied his feet intently, not quite meeting her eyes.

"I entered." He responded quietly.

Kansyria glowed with fire. Fury was written across all aspects of her, and her eyes were lit.

"And he won." An official said. "You, Mark Fields, will be one of the East Kingdom's representatives in the upcoming trials."

They turned around, dropping a scroll into the wooden floor of the cottage.

As soon as they were gone, Kansyria turned on him.

"What did you do?! Why would you commit such a stupid act?! Do you know what could have happened?! What can happen?!"

"Relax. I thought my chances of getting chosen were close to zero."

"No!" Kansyria cried. "Your uncle chose you specifically! This is what he wanted and you just handed it to him on a silver platter!"

"How? I used a fake ID." Adam frowned. Once Kansyria calmed down, she said,

"This cottage is protected by ancient enchantments. Only a few people can share its location: you and me. By telling someone else, you made it so that they can tell others. And your uncle knows that you are hidden in a cottage in a forest. It wouldn't take long for him to figure it out."

The realization smacked Adam, hard. He gasped and looked at Kansyria.

Her eyes were red and her hair messy. She looked tired, and for the first time ever, old.

"How can I protect you if you throw away any protection I give you?" She asked.

Adam swallowed. Kansyria had brought him here to the forest when he was just 2. Still a baby. 5 years ago, when he was 12, she told him the truth about who he was.

He was Prince Adam, the lost prince and heir to the empire. He was hidden to be safe from his evil uncle, Lord Cassius.

Adam felt the tears swell in his eyes. "I'm sorry." He whispered to Kansyria. She was the only parent he had ever known. To him, she was more his mother than Empress Berenice.

Kansyria sighed deeply, wiping her own eyes. Adam rushed into her arms and Kansyria held him in her arms. "Stay safe." She whispered.

They both knew there was no getting out of this unharmed. Since the moment you sign up, the trial has already begun for you. There is no leaving without death. And there would be no mercy. Win, or die.

Adam was going to the Trial.

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