𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 12

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"So, why did you choose me out of all people? Aren't you supposed to be some kinda like bad boy who's team captain and only cares about himself or something?" Minghao suddenly asked after spending about a good ten minutes in the car with no conversation happening, just the radio playing as background music.

"Funny you say that. Yes that's supposed to be my school's image but, in reality I'm the most questionable person walking this earth....well according to my friends." Junhui explained giving the younger a glance as he did.

"So why do you have this image then?" Minghao asked as he looked towards the older. Truth be told, he knew nothing about the basketball player even though they considered each other as friends. Minghao only knows that Junhui is the team captain of their school's basketball team and how his ex girlfriend is very obsessed with him even though she cheated on him in public (she's questionable in Minghao's opinion).

"It was one time!" Junhui exclaimed his voice suddenly rising in volume which startled Minghao a little bit but relaxed once Junhui returned to his normal voice. "You see, I was having a bad day. I woke up to my little brother spraying water on me then I couldn't find my folder that had my homework in it which was due that day, turned out my cat ate it—"

Minghao bursted out laughing at that statement unintentionally interrupting Junhui's explanation. "That's a new one. I always heard the excuse 'my dog ate my homework' but never heard a cat eating someone's homework." Minghao remarked as his laughing fit calm down, wiping some tears from his eyes.

Junhui cleared his throat before continuing his explanation that Minghao so rudely interrupted. "For your information, she did eat my homework." Junhui said with a huffed before telling the whole story. To summarize, he accidentally bumped into someone and never said sorry to that person because he was so blinded by the anger he was feeling that day.

Another silence fell over them as they continued their trip to wherever Junhui was taking them which Minghao had no idea where exactly that place is. "Where are we even going to be driving this far?" Minghao asked as he looked outside the window to see that they are pretty far from the main city, not that his parents care where he was anyways.

"You said you wanted food on this trip so that's what I'm doing." Junhui answered meekly not even giving a hint where exactly that place is. "How when you passed all the good places." Minghao asked with confusion and concern because it was indeed true.

They passed at least seven different McDonald's, five Taco Bell's, six Chick-Fil-a's, and three Burger King's, so he was truly confused. "Just sit tight, would ya?" Junhui said focusing on the road. "Yes sir" Minghao said as he mimicked a salute, Junhui rolling his eyes at the younger's childish ways.


"Here we are." Junhui said as he parked the car and got out with a content smile and sighed as he stretched his limbs. Minghao followed along and met the older on the other side facing the place. "This place looks dead and fucking old. I doubt anyone goes here." Minghao said with disbelief as he couldn't believe Junhui took him to a abandoned place.

"Oh, that's because we're not here at night. Come on" Junhui said grabbing ahold of the other's wrist dragging him to the front door and inside. Junhui inhaled and exhaled the scent of the place as his smile just got bigger and bigger. "Home sweet home." He simply said but it has lots of meaning to it.

"Is that my little honey bun I hear?" A old woman's voice could be heard from the kitchen as well as the smell of cookies being made as Junhui took the chance to run over to the source of the voice.

Minghao slowly walked into the kitchen to see a old woman tightly hugging Junhui with a wide smile. Minghao was confused to say the least, like who was this old woman and how did Junhui know her and this place.

"Oh! And I see you have brought someone. Did my little boy finally get rid of that snob of a girl and settled for a nice looking young man?" The woman said as she released her hold on Junhui and waddled her way over to Minghao to squish his cheeks.

Minghao took a good smell of old lady perfume and sugar cookies off the old woman as she pulled Minghao's face closer to her so she could inspect his face better, noticing the slight blush on his cheeks but she wasn't going to mention it. "No Grandma Ahn, this is Minghao a friend of mine." Junhui said his heart sinking for some reason as he said those words.

"Oh...well that's okay. Maybe soon he will be." She said as she let go of Minghao's face and waddled away from him.

"So what brings you here? You rarely come see your grandma anymore. Your mother has to force you to come here." Grandma Ahn said as she went back to baking. "I miss your cooking and decided to come and have my favorite grandma's food." Junhui said with a innocent smile as he leaned on the counter.

By now, Minghao had put two and two together and got that this was Junhui's grandmother and not just some random lady he thought was going to baked them into a pie and eat it. And also came up with that this is Junhui's mother's mom considering their conversation about Junhui's mom forcing him to come here.

"So you came for my cooking and nothing else? No thought like 'hey maybe I should check on grandma Ahn and see if she's in good shape and her health is okay'. By the way, thank you for asking Junnie, my health is okay." Grandma Ahn said with a whole bunch of sarcasm and sass. 'I don't care who this lady is anymore, I love her and I hope one day I can be like her' Minghao thought as he silently watched the other two bicker.

Junhui just nervously laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, "go sit and wait for the food. You like Chinese food Minghao?" Grandma Ahn asked the younger who jumped up in surprised that his name was being called, "sorry ma'am, can you say that again?" Minghao politely said as he listened this time.

"It's grandma Ahn for one and two, I asked if you like Chinese food?" Grandma Ahn replied. "I actually am Chinese ma—I mean grandma Ahn." Minghao answered with a shy smile as he played with his hands.

"Really? And you haven't claimed him as yours? Wen Junhui, what are you doing dancing around the bush?" Grandma Ahn scolded the older Chinese male who nervously laughed as he looked between the two, one with a stern look and the other looking shy as I don't know what. "Come on Minghao, let's go sit." Junhui said as he ushered Minghao to a table.

"Im not done with you young man."


It truly feels like I haven't written a chapter for this. I've just been busy (aka sleeping) but it's otay because he's a chapter now. Idk when I'll update the others but I promise I will update them.

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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