𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 2

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once he got home, Junhui went straight to the kitchen to grab a snack to eat. While he was looking, he's phone started buzzing. He answered it seeing that it was Seungcheol calling. "Sup?" Junhui greeted as he closed the cabinet and started walking to the living room.

"Hey, by any chance are you at Highlight tea shop?" Seungcheol asked. "No.... I just got home. Why?" Junhui said curious. "Thought so.....so um, me and Mingyu here just saw Seonhee and some guy walked in holding hands. Does she have a brother or something?" Seungcheol said.

"No" Junhui said sitting at the edge of the couch. " yeah, I realize that now as I see her and the guy kissing. Hold on." Seungcheol said. A few seconds later, he was talking again, "look at the picture I just sent you" Junhui took his phone from his ear and unlock it as he went to his and Seungcheol's chat. He nearly drop his phone as he saw the picture, he put the phone back to his ear and said, "Don't move, I'm on my way"

He hung up and hurriedly grabbed his keys and rushed out the house; getting in his car and driving away.

Junhui pulled into the parking lot, finding a parking spot quickly, rushing out the car. Once he spotted Seungcheol and Mingyu, he ran over to them. "Where?" Was all Junhui said when he got close to his friends. Mingyu pointed somewhere in the shop and Junhui looked to see Seonhee laughing away with some guy.

Junhui clenched his fist as he watched his girlfriend rub her hand on the guy's arm. Junhui started to walk over there and give them a piece of his mind, but Seungcheol stopped him before he could go off on the two, especially Seonhee. "Deal with it tomorrow, you gotta go help your mom at the daycare" the older said as he released his hold on Junhui's arm; showing Junhui the time on his phone.

Junhui sigh and nod, grabbing his stuff and heading out—not once looking back at the two, not wanting to feel his heart ache.


He pulled into the parking lot of Holiday Daycare and sat in his car for a few minutes.

"What did I even do wrong? Was I that bad of a boyfriend?" He asked himself as he rubbed his hands over his face. After every thing him and Seonhee been through, the good memories they shared, it all has to come tumbling down.

He sighed as he finally exited the car; locking it once the door closed. "There you are! I was just about to call you" his mother said as soon as she saw her son. "Sorry mom. Something came up and I lost track of time" Junhui said with a mono tone voice and a shrug, staring blankly at his mother. "Well you're here now, so it's okay. I need you to go help Mr. Park with the two's" his mother said as she lightly pushed him towards the room.

He nodded and headed down the hall to the room. Hanging out with the little children always lifted Junhui's mood every time he was having a bad day and he was thankful for that. Junhui, together with the kids played with the toys, ran around the classroom, played house, and even had snack and nap time.

Junhui loves kids, he love how they have this free spirit in them. How they don't have to worry about getting a job and making money just so they have food for the week or how their girlfriends goes behind your back and cheat. Junhui sighed as he put down one of the kids—named Daejun—that fell asleep in Junhui's arms.

Patting her back to soothe her before walking out the classroom, heading to the front desk where his mother probably was. Turns out no one was there so he just sat at his mother's desk, going on his phone. Once he opened up Instagram, the first post he saw was Seonhee's. It was a picture of a boba tea in a cup that had the tea shop's name and logo on it.

'Relaxing while having boba :)' was what the caption read. "And cheating on your boyfriend" Junhui mumbled to himself, letting a groan slip through his lips as he fell completely back into the chair.

It's still so bizarre to Junhui that Seonhee went behind his back and cheat. They have been together for two years now and even before that they were childhood best friends.

Junhui put his phone away not wanting to suffer anymore and because he heard the bell on the door dinged, signifying that someone was walking inside the daycare. "Yeonjun, hi. Here to pick up Daejun?" Junhui said recognizing the boy just by the bright yellow hair color.

"Yup!" Yeonjun said, popping the 'P', "Alright, let me go get her. She's probably still sleeping. I put her down a few minutes ago" Junhui said and got up, walking to the room he previously left. He carefully picked up the little girl, grabbing her stuff as well and heading out the room to hand her over to her brother.

"Thanks Jun~" Yeonjun thanked the older and walked out not sparing any room for Junhui to respond which is usual for him as Yeonjun was always in a rush to get home and help his mother out with dinner.


Minghao sigh as he face plummet into his bed, feeling tired as fuck. Being a straight A student is so hard, but Minghao still puts up with it to please his parents. They are already hard on him for his sexuality, don't want anymore hardship for failing school. And with that in mind, Minghao got up from the comfort of his bed in a neglected manner and headed to his desk to complete his homework.

After an hour of doing math, reading, and science homework he was finally called down for dinner. And so he lazily walked down the stairs and into the dining room, not a single word coming out his parent mouth as he went to go sit at the far end of the table, away, but close enough to his parents. They started eating in a suffocating silence until Minghao's mother asked him how was his grades.

Minghao answered with a simple 'they're good' and went back to eating. After dinner, Minghao was left to clean up as his parents fled to their bedroom. Minghao sigh as he started cleaning the dishes. This was Minghao's life, wake up, go to school, come home with unwelcome arms, do homework, have a suffocating dinner with his parents, they leave him to clean up after, and then he heads to bed. Then it repeats.

Sometimes on weekends, his parents are gone, out at night clubs or staying over at their friends house. Which gives Minghao the freedom to escape his suffocating and unwelcome shithole he calls home. After the dishes are done, he headed up stairs and went to go take a shower. He sat there under the hot running water for a good few minutes, rethinking his life choices.

He got out from underneath the steaming hot water and dried off; putting his clothes on after. He brush his teeth and left the bathroom, heading to his comfort palace call his bedroom. Falling onto his bed once he reached the foot of it. He grabbed a stuffed animal as he curled up into a ball in the warmth's of his blankets; sighing.

"At least they didn't take sleeping away from me" he said before knocking out.


Eeeek!!! Chapter dos!! I honestly don't know why I do this to myself. I always end up writing a chapter around the time I'm most tired!!! 😭😭

Please, if you see typos please point them out for me. I literally write these chapters with sleep on the verge of taking over. So if you guys can help me that'll be great.

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote,comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon love you <3

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