𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 8

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"Ugh..." Minghao groaned upon opening his eyes which he regret because of the bright light that lit up the room. "Hey. Are you okay?" He heard a voice asked and for a second he couldn't recognize the voice, but thanks to the face that was now in his sight of vision he knows who it is.

"Yeah.....yeah I'm okay. What happened?" Minghao answered as he tried to sit up. "Careful, you just got knocked out by my ex" Junhui answered as he rush to help the boy sit up straight. "Sorry about her by the way. She's delusional." Junhui added with an apologetic smile. "So I saw" Minghao retorted and Junhui laughed.

"You know this is the third time we ran into each other" Junhui suddenly said as he pulled a chair up next to the clinic bed. "It is?" Minghao said confused on when the other times happened.

"Yeah, one time in the library—we bumped into each other on your way out. The other time at Jeonghan's sleepover—you got pushed into the pool and we also did Just Dance together and talked on the terrace. And now this one—you got knocked out by my ex." Junhui recalled all the times with ease like he was treasuring these moments.

"Oh.....I guess it is our third time running into each other....." Minghao said getting all shy under Junhui's stare. "Wanna be friends? I mean it'll make the most sense after all." Junhui said waiting with hopeful anticipation. "Sure, why not?" Minghao said with a smile and Junhui smiled widely at the answered. "Cool" Junhui said with a goofy smile.


"You befriended Wen Junhui?!"

"No~ I befriended a frog—yes I befriended Junhui!" Minghao sarcastically said with big hand gestures. "That means......that means we can go to all the cool parties the basketball team throws, we can sit at their table, I can finally get the chance to talk to Hansol!" Seungkwan squealed at the last part getting all giddy.

"Hold on there Kwannie. The parties and you talking to Hansol is a possibility, but us sitting at their table is a never. You gotta think logically not delusional Kwan" Wonwoo said raining on Seungkwan's fantasy.

"What do you mean hyung? We can! We're friends with Jeonghan, Yoon Jeonghan for fuck sakes. Along with Jisoo hyung. And I think you forgot but, little Minghao here is one out of two of the fashionistas at school and he's also raising in popularity with what happened at Jeonghan's sleepover. So we can, see I was thinking logically." Seungkwan said proud of himself that he proved his hyung wrong.

"He has a point hyung." Minghao said matter-of-factly giving a pat on the back to Seungkwan to which the younger smile like a five year old who just got the ice cream they wanted. "Fine~ you win this one Kwan" Wonwoo said with a groaned and looked to the side. "Omg! The basketball team is coming out!" Seungkwan exclaimed as he was turned around in his seat as they were in their indoor gym for gym class.

The group saw Junhui waved at them—well he was mostly waving at Minghao but, whatever. They waved back and watched as they got ready to practice a few rounds. As they were playing, the ball went flying towards Junhui but, he wasn't paying attention as he seem to space out and hit him square in the face. "Jun!" Minghao let out and ran up to the other Chinese.

"Are you okay? How bad does it hurt?" Minghao asked as he was helping the other sit up. "On a scale from one to ten, about eight" Junhui answered and removed his hand from his face to which Minghao gasped.

"How bad does it look?" Junhui asked quietly. "On a scale, about a nine" Minghao softly answered. "Come on let's get you to the nurse" Minghao then added as he help the other to stand and asked for a pass to the clinic.

"Back again I see, what happened this time?" The nurse said upon seeing the Chinese males who were in here this morning. "He got hit in the face with a basketball because he wasn't paying attention to the game" Minghao said as Junhui sat on the bed. "Alright then, I'll be back I need to get some more water. Do you know how to treat a wound?" The nurse asked Minghao who nodded.

The nurse left and Minghao collected the things he needed to clean up Junhui's wound. "Alright this might sting." Minghao said as he poured some rubbing alcohol onto a cotton ball. He lightly pressed on Junhui's nose trying to be as gentle as possible. "Tell me if it hurts" Minghao stated and started cleaning up the blood.

Junhui was too distracted by the fact that Minghao was standing in between his legs and about three inches away from his face. He felt the younger's breathing lightly hitting his face and for some reason he felt his heart racing just a little bit; not too noticeable for Minghao and Junhui to understand what it meant.

"There all clean, let me get a bandage" Minghao said throwing away the bloody cotton balls and walked over to find a band aid. Once he found one, he opened it up and gently placed it on the other Chinese male's nose. "There! All better, kinda" Minghao said with a tiny laugh and Junhui joined in on the laughter.

"Well it definitely feels like it's getting better" Junhui stated and they sat in silence for a few minutes. "Well we should head back, lunch will start soon." Minghao awkwardly said moving out from between Junhui's legs and they headed out the clinic and back to the gym.

"Also, my friend wants to know if he can sit at your table. He kinda has a thing for one of the team members." Minghao said totally not exposing his dear sophomore friend who would literally kill him if he found out. "Sure, your friends are my friends." Junhui said with a smile on his lips to which Minghao thought was one of the most beautiful smiles out there.


So, I'm back to save you guys from the cliffhanger. They are finally friends, don't come after me for making Junhui's feelings appear too quickly. I promise I won't rush it. Also I finally got the emoji back so I can fix the last chapter. That's pretty much it.

I hope you're having fun on your break from school, if you are on break. If not, I hope you will have fun on your break. And if you're not in school I hope you're living life to the fullest as you possibly can.

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote,comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon love you <3

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