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A couple of weeks later Jao woke up early on Sky's first day of work. As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he smiled at the thought of Sky starting a new chapter in his life. Jao rolled out of bed and shuffled into the kitchen to start the coffee pot.

"Good morning, Sky," Jao said with a warm smile. "Today's a big day for you."

Sky turned to face Jao, his eyes still groggy from sleep. "Good morning, Jao. I'm nervous, but excited."

Jao walked over and gave Sky a hug. "You'll do great. You're smart and hardworking, and they're lucky to have you."

Sky smiled, feeling a little more confident. "Thanks, Jao. I'll see you later tonight."

Jao watched as Sky grabbed his backpack and headed out the door giving him a kiss goodbye, then settled onto the couch with a cup of coffee. The day would be long, but he was happy to have Sky starting a new job.

As the day passed, Jao found himself feeling a little lonely. He decided to pass the time by tidying up the house, but it didn't take long. He decided to go for a walk, hoping to clear his head.

As Jao walked, he didn't notice the car that was slowly following him. He was lost in thought, thinking about Sky and how proud he was of him. Suddenly, Jao was knocked over and felt a sharp pain in his spine and legs. He looked up to see a car speeding away.

Jao cried out.

He looked down to see that he couldn't move his legs, and tears filled his eyes. He watched as the car disappeared into the distance, leaving him lying on the side of the road.

"Why did they do this to me?" Jao thought, tears streaming down his face. "Why did they leave me here?"

Jao was in shock and didn't know what to do. He lay there for what felt like hours, until he finally heard the sound of sirens. The paramedics arrived and took him to the hospital.


Sky was just on his break and as he was about to call Jao to check on him to see how he was, his phone began to ring as an unknown number appeared on the screen, answering the call he started to fear the worst.


"Hello sir, are you Sky?"

"Yes, I am is something wrong?"

"Do you know someone by the name of Jao?"

Gasping in shock he took a shaky breath.

"Yes, I - I do he's my boyfriend... Has something happened?"

"I'm afraid he has been involved in an accident.

At that moment, Sky could have sworn he felt his heart stop, he felt his legs grow weak and quickly grabbed on to the countertop for support.

Ending the call there and then he wasted no time in running out to his car and driving to the local hospital.

As tears streamed down his face all he could think about was Jao, hoping he would be alright. He didn't have to think twice to know who it was that attacked his boyfriend and he knew it was Jao's ex. If one attack wasn't enough he had done it a second time and was out to hurt Jao and he wouldn't stop, Sky needed to have him arrested and locked away so he couldn't come anywhere near Jao and hurt him.

Sky drove as fast as he could to get to the hospital and his heart ached as he continued to sob he just wished the attacks would stop, his Jao didn't deserve any of this he was a pure and innocent soul who loved the world, his friends and family but most importantly he loved him.

Arriving at the hospital Sky wasted no time on getting to the front desk as quickly as possible, hoping he could find answers on Jao.

"Excuse me, I need to know where Khaojao is. Please I need to know he's alright."

Sky fought hard to fight the tears which was quickly becoming a losing battle, he watched as the receptionist looked on the computer for information on Jao.

He waited for what felt like a lifetime but soon got the answer he was looking for.

"He's currently in surgery right now sir, but if you wait In the waiting area over there I'll let the doctor who is performing the surgery to come and get you."

Sky watched as she gave him a reassuring smile but it doesn't help. A single tear fell down his face as turned around walking over to a nearby chair.

At that moment, he felt like his heart was broken into a million pieces.

Love At First Sight | Sky & JaoWhere stories live. Discover now