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Six months had passed since Sky and Jao graduated from school, and their relationship had grown stronger with each passing day. They had spent countless hours together, exploring new places and making unforgettable memories. But now, Sky had something special planned for Jao, something that would solidify their love for each other.

With the help of their friends Tor, Fon, Daisy, Toh, Nuea, Som, and Kongkwan, Sky had arranged a surprise picnic in a secluded area of the park. As Jao arrived, he was greeted with the sight of a beautifully decorated table, complete with candles and flowers.

"Wow, Sky, this is amazing," Jao exclaimed as he took in the scene. "What's the occasion?"

Sky took Jao's hand and led him to the table. "The occasion is us, Jao. I wanted to do something special to show you how much you mean to me."

Sky then got down on one knee and pulled out a small box from his pocket. "Jao, I love you more than anything in this world. Will you do me the honor of becoming my partner for life?"

Jao's eyes filled with tears as he saw the promise ring inside the box. "Yes, Sky, I will," he replied, his voice choked with emotion.

Sky slipped the ring on Jao's finger and stood up, wrapping his arms around him. "I promise to love you and take care of you for the rest of my days," Sky said, holding Jao close.

The friends cheered and clapped as the couple shared a passionate kiss.

"I love you too, Sky," Jao said, " and I'm looking forward to moving in with you officially."

With that, the group settled down to enjoy the picnic together, celebrating the love and commitment of two people who had found their soulmates in each other.

"Love is the best feeling in the world, and I'm so happy that you two found it in each other." said Daisy

"This is the start of a beautiful journey together" said Fon.

"I'm so happy for you two, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you" said Tor.

The rest of the evening was filled with laughter, love, and a sense of contentment as the group enjoyed each other's company, happy to have witnessed such a beautiful moment.

We're so happy for you guys," said Daisy as she hugged both Sky and Jao. "It's about time you officially became roommates," added Fon.

As the night went on, the group of friends danced and laughed, reminiscing about their school days. "It's been an amazing journey, and it's only just begun," said Toh, raising a glass in a toast to the happy couple.

The night was filled with love and laughter, and Sky and Jao knew that they were surrounded by the best friends anyone could ask for. As they danced and celebrated into the night, they both knew that their love would only continue to grow stronger with each passing day.

As the night went on, Sky and Jao celebrated with their friends, dancing and laughing under the stars. "I never thought I'd find someone like you, Sky," Jao said, holding him close. "You make me so happy."

"I feel the same, Jao," Sky replied, smiling and looking at their promise rings. "I promise to always love and cherish you."

The two of them danced into the night, holding each other close and basking in their love. They had a bright future ahead of them, full of love, happiness, and endless adventures.


As Sky and Jao returned home after their night out with friends, they both felt an overwhelming sense of love and happiness. They lay in bed, facing each other, holding each other close and smiling as they looked at each other's promise rings on their hands.

"I'm so happy we have each other, Jao," Sky whispered as they shared a sweet kiss. "I promise to always love and cherish you, no matter what."

Jao smiled and replied, "I promise the same, Sky. I love you more and more every day."

They lay there for a moment, just enjoying the warmth of each other's embrace and the comfort of their love. Then Jao spoke up, "I have to say, Sky, this has been the best night of my life. The promise rings are just the cherry on top of an already amazing evening."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Jao. I wanted to do something special for you and show you just how much you mean to me," Sky replied, his eyes shining with love and affection.

They continued to hold each other close and kiss, their hearts filled with love and their hands wrapped around each other's promise rings.

"I'm so lucky to have you, Jao. You're my everything," Sky whispered as they drifted off to sleep, their love and promise to each other ringing in their hearts.

"And you're mine, Sky", Jao replied with a smile. "Forever and always."

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