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After almost five weeks in hospital, Jao was much better. Thankfully his fever had now completely gone, and the wounds had healed, and his ribs were a lot better but just leaving him sore and a little breathless.

A small smile appeared on Sky's face as he watched him move in his sleep and tried to snuggle and get closer to him, he was glad that Jao was able to now sleep better and allow his body time to rest and heal. He could see that he was starting to get better and the fever was almost gone but would have to stay in the hospital until tomorrow afternoon. 

Though on the other hand, he could see Jao was starting to become restless and was ready for going home. But as he was told by his doctor the night before, staying in the hospital for an extra day was just a precaution.

Gently leaning down to place a kiss on his forehead, within a few minutes, it wasn't long before Jao began to wake up from his sleep. Opening his eyes he couldn't help but smile as he was greeted by the sight he cherished the most in this world.


"Hi, darling how are feeling today?"

"Better than I have been just a little groggy that's all.", he replied, with a small smile.

"I'm glad Jao. You scared me from when you passed out on the way here, my heart was in my mouth... I was really worried.", he replied honestly feeling emotional.

Jao feeling a lump in his throat was desperately fighting back the tears as he sought to comfort his boyfriend, and reassure him to let him know that he was alright, placing his hands on both cheeks he looked him in the eyes. Eyes, which were now glassy and filled with tears that were about ready to spill over, he began speaking to him softly.

"Sky hey, it's okay. It's okay, I'm alright, I promise I'm sorry I worried you and scared you but everything's alright now."

With a small nod and smile, Sky leaned into his touch for a moment before he let go and rested his head against his chest.


Later, that morning, it wasn't long before Jao began to experience aches and pains in his legs and back.

Sky noticing his boyfriends discomfort wanted to help in any way he could, "Are you alright what's wrong?"

Jao grimaced as he tried to talk through the discomfort, "It's alright... it's just bad cramping in my legs and back that's all."

With gentle movements, Sky began to rub his back in the hope it would help and relieve some of the tension in his back.

Though it did help a little, Jao still felt stiff and uncomfortable and seeing this Sky came up with an idea, "Did you want to get up and move around a little bit? That might help."

Nodding in agreement Jao watched as Sky got up off of the bed before turning and taking his hands in his and began gently helping him out of bed.

"It's alright Jao I've got you darling, you okay?"

With a small smile, he nodded, "I'm okay, I suppose if I've been stuck in that bed these last few weeks, and haven't been moving around that much I'm bound to wobble a bit when I start moving around again."

"That's okay. Where do you want to go? We could go outside if you wanted to there's a balcony not far from here, it's just around the corner at the end of this corridor if you wanted to.", he replied softly with a gentle smile upon his face.

"I'd love that, it sounds good to me.", he said giving him a peck on the lips.

As the smile turned into a happy grin appeared on Sky's face the couple left the room and began walking down the corridor towards their destination that was the balcony.

Upon reaching the balcony Jao couldn't help but gasp in surprise as he began taking in the breathtaking view of the city.

She soon felt Sky wrap his arms around his middle. Responding to his touch Jao turned around to face him before resting his forehead against his.

Slowly leaning in the two were met with each other's lips and a kiss that was deep and filled with love.

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