this is not a drill 2/2

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Word Count: 2883


And then what? You're just going to accept it like that? Let both of your parents live grieving your deaths? Not care whether your parents are affected by you leaving on such occasion? You're not even going to try..?

Will they care now if she returned home in a body bag?

You swallowed hard and stood up slowly with composure. You lifted up Jennie with a delicate grasp and signed for her to keep quiet. Up to this moment, she's already stopped crying and more likely accepted her death with the hopes of living longer.

Because if she were to live, she'd want to be living life with someone who'd care for her. Jennie wanted to live out life with you.

The adrenaline pumped into your veins and you felt your charge of strength from the curl of your fists. You spotted a pair of thick black boots under the stall door and you didn't doubt that they saw yours too.

You gave Jennie a glance and she nodded as if she's already figured out your plan to get out of this place alive.

You unlocked the stall door in the speed of light, just in time for the intruder to lunge into nothing but the toilet, giving you and Jennie enough time to run out the restroom door and out into the hallway.

The hallway led out to the food court where it had your nearest exit and you did not waste any time to run towards it. The hall was completely empty and almost dark but dim enough to see what was going on. If you were to drop a pin it would echo into the next hallway.

The only sound that bounced off the walls were your two pairs of footsteps, that was until another pair joined not even a few seconds later. A chill crawled up your spine once again and you glanced behind Jennie to spot the tall dark figure almost on your girlfriend's tail.

They wore a grey hood that covered their face, black sweats that gave their legs a masculine build, and a worn out pair of thick black combat boots that were probably waiting to be worn for this day. Let's not forget the gun that was held against their body.

You watched Jennie's expression go colorless in fear and disbelief. You spotted the stream of tears that ran down her cheeks and the plead in her eyes.

Your hand laced with Jennie's to make sure you wouldn't lose her grasp. You didn't want to lose her, not like this anyway.

You both turned a corner and hear them follow right behind. The click of the safety made it to your ear-shot causing you to take a glimpse only to duck after a loud bang.

"Jennie!" You yelled after feeling like you're rather dragging something than pulling. You turned for one last glance.

You slowed. Your breathing slowed. Your heart fastened. Your lungs are tightened. Your hand is freed...

Your lips muttered a no and your eyes watered in fear. Time was moving slow all of a sudden. It was like it didn't exist at all.

Seeing Jennie's body collapsed on the ground will be a forever haunting memory. It was like time put a pause on humanity to have everyone witness the vicious side of human nature.

A part of humanity that ended someone's life.

A friend's life.

A lover's life.

A daughter's life.

Her body was only a few steps away from you where she let go. Her eyes stared right into yours with little strands of life as if they were telling you to keep running. But you just stood there, your legs paralyzed like they stopped working. You were in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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