can you hear me

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Am I getting writers block? Yes.

Can you comment? Feel free to, I'd love to hear your feedback.

My birthday and a close event is coming up and I'll probably be too busy to update or write as I normally do. So please try to understand.

Word Count: 2187


You write down your answers on your sheet before handing it up to the front of the class, where the teacher stood to collect them. You had now just finished a test and the end of class.

Your hand ached in writing and you absolutely hoped nobody else talks to you today. Your fingertips bruised and your wrist cramped.

Your routine everyday never changed until she came along. Everyday was always the same. You'd go to school, back home, and probably go out to eat some fast foods if you're lucky.

But when she bumped into you one day, she forever lived in your head. You've never felt such soft hands. You've never smelt such an addicting scent. You've never saw the pity in her eyes like everyone else. You've never felt alive until meeting her.

In the corner of your eyes, you can see Jennie laughing with her friends. You'd die for that gummy smile any day. The way she would scrunch her nose in a fit of giggles always warmed you up in some way, and you weren't afraid to say you like her.

One of her friends murmur something into Jennie's ear, causing her to blush a bit. A smack to her friend's arm was all she responded with.

They turn their backs on you before descending down the hall and finally disappearing by turning the corner. You try to follow.

Until all was ruined by your biggest bully. The worst of the worst and the 'Know it all'. The torture had now begun with them in your sight. Their eyes were just as fierce today, and their smudge smirks grew into grins.

Striping you of your notepad and pen, leaving you with the clothes on your back, they push you against a hard wall. A groan falls from you as you slumped down against it. They love hearing that from you.

One kneels down to meet your eye level, his hand placed firmly under your cheek to hold you still. "Where are you going?"

As much as you wanted to force out the words you've starved to voice out, you just couldn't. So, you turn your head, telling them you didn't want to talk -even if you could.

"Oh being feisty today huh?" The other states, crouching down besides the other. His hand makes a stinging hit to your cheek, and you yelped. "What a prick."

You glance at them to find them looking at one another. A look that you've recognized too well surfaced and you began to panic. Their dead faces slowly and evilly turned into grins before landing their gaze on you.

And you knew well, you weren't going home today. You knew you weren't going to sleep on your bed. You knew you weren't going to see the light of day until next morning.

They both pull you up forcefully by the collar, making sure their grips were unbreakable. One of them opened the door and the other threw you in.

You could hear their snickers through the door and their fading footsteps that gave it's last echo. They dared to leave the light off and they knew it would bother you.

They knew how weak you are. They knew how vulnerable you can be. They knew how whiney you could get. They knew they had the upper-hand ever since the first time they locked you up.

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