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A/n: No because if you listen to sad music you'll really feel the words come to life.

If you are ever feeling this way, feel free to message me and just dump all your problems. I'll cry with you and try to comfort you all the way.

Word Count: 2401

TW: Mentioning of death



The day she left you was the day she hurt you the most. Your days with her, were well spent and you regretted nothing. There was nothing you wanted to take back because she said so. Everything had it's way doing it's thing.

And you hated that black smoke the most. You hated that colorless bland smoke. Everytime you were with her, you saw color. Colors that you thought never existed. You'd never thought that seeing black and white would be so boring.

She was your light. Your color and joy. She was suppose to be with you forever. Your light had gone out and you don't know when you'll have the time to find another.

You hated everything in the world and that included the people living on it. Because the world to you was black and white, colorless to be exact. The way your parents explained the world to you, sounded so depressing and dull.

Once they heard you were into women, they discarded you right away. They didn't want a monster in their family. They didn't want a dirty person to roam in their home.

That only made you see more black. More bland colors that took over your surroundings. And god, you loved that black color so much to where it became your favorite color.

Black is dark and secretive. You can hide anything behind it. Your feelings. Your scars. Your pain. Everything.

Nobody understood you. You were always a negative person because your parents raised you thinking the world would just turn their back on you. And they were half right.

It wasn't the world's fault. It was most of the people living on it. Some people are born seeing colors and some are born seeing black and white. And you were the born with colors but was raised seeing the world black and white.

You'd never thought you'd love colors. They were beautiful. Euphoric. Breathtaking. Lovable. Comforting. Understanding. She was your color.

The fact that you couldn't see her again made your heart ache painfully. Her laugh splashed you with colors and her smile painted them. She was your paint and your brush.

She would smoothly spread her paint with her smile and you started to slowly see life. Each giggle she released, caused your stone heart to beat. Each wink she did, caused your lungs to run out of air. Everything she did made you feel some things you've never felt.

One day she was yours and the next she was gone. It all happened so quick. In one snap, your colors faded and you panicked. You cried. You wailed. You begged.

She wasn't suppose to leave this early.

She wasn't suppose to end your colorful chapter.

She wasn't suppose to go without an 'I love you'

She wasn't suppose to leave you.

She was everything and you were her canvas. She would spread colors on your bland self and watch as you also became colorful. She loved the way you would plant a kiss on her lips and the way you would pinch her chubby cheeks. And you in return, loved the way she flashed her wide gummy smile and the way she jump up and down from excitement.

Jennie Imagines (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now