Chapter 17

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When Ethan woke again, the tent was empty. He reached behind him, feeling his back side for the likely-dried trail of cum that Corey had deposited deep inside him, but he didn't find it. He turned over, searching for his own load that he had shot across the tent, but that too was clear.

Now that he thought of it, even the rest of his body felt cleaner than it had before he had fallen asleep, and as Corey re-entered the tent, he could see why.

"I just thought..." Corey started, holding something that resembled a thick, green sponge which was now dripping between his fingers.

"Thanks" Ethan smiled, realising that Corey had indeed bathed him as he slept.

"There's just some uh... Stuff on your back" he laughed, walking over and helping Ethan to sit up.

"Matthew's been trying to keep the water from boiling so I don't scald you" he grinned as he squeezed the sponge and Ethan felt a trickle of perfectly warm water pour down his spine.

"He did a good job" he told Corey who was now gently scrubbing him.

When Corey had finished cleaning the dried pre-cum from Ethan's back, he stood up and looked down at him.

"You need to eat" he said "and you need to get some air".

The thought of hobbling out into the cold didn't feel all that appealing to Ethan, but Corey hadn't given him an option and was soon heaving the young man up, holding his arm around his shoulder.

"Shit" Ethan winced, his foot lightly touching the ground.

"Just lean on me and jump" Corey told him, and Ethan could tell that he was holding back laughter as he began hopping across the tent.

"Shut up" Ethan joked as the cool night air filled his lungs.

He could see the naked bodies of the others now, crowded around the campfire. Matthew was standing up, pointing into the inky night sky.

"That's Canis Major" he told the others, some of whom didn't look the slight bit interested "you can tell because it looks like a stick-man" he added proudly.

"His head, well, the star that is supposed to be his head, is actually Sirius and it's the brightest star in the night sky"

"Dude, will you just eat your damn fish" Ross growled and they all laughed, including Matthew as he took a seat.

"Ethan!" Greg beamed standing up "I hope the water was okay, I mean, it did boil a little bit, but I tested it before..."

"It felt great" Ethan smiled, still awkwardly hobbling toward them.

As he sat down on one of the logs beside Jules, Corey filled his hands with fish.

"Maybe when we get home" he said, sitting down "we can have dinner on an actual plate some time?"

Everyone had heard what he had said, but none of them acted like it as they began to chatter mindlessly between themselves.

"That'd be nice" Ethan smiled and could see Matthew beaming.

"Well now that you two are back to being lovers" Ross said "can we please come up with a plan to find our clothes so we're not riding back home with our cocks out?" He looked over at Ethan now before adding "and one that doesn't end in numb nuts over there getting spit roasted by the twins".

The group laughed nervously until Ethan chuckled himself, indicating that the subject wasn't entirely raw anymore.

"No need" Corey said, pulling a fish bone from his mouth "after the last time, I told Richard to send fresh clothes on the bus".

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