Chapter 9

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Panic set in instantly and Ethan began trailing back the way he came. Suddenly, being naked from the waist down didn't seem so comical, and as the cold wind bit at his genitals and the rain continued to smash down on him, he felt like kicking himself for getting involved in this stupid game in the first place.

The sky had now turned a dark shade of grey, with angry thick clouds pouring rain down, broken occasionally by a flash of lightening and a clap of rumbling thunder.

The temperature had dipped too, but Ethan was more focused on returning to where he had been forcibly stripped by David.

As he trudged through thick mud, slick and slippery, his feet began to sink and slide from under him. On the third occasion, he fell forward into a pit of filth and emerged, covered from head to toe.

Wiping mud from his eyes, Ethan scrambled to his feet before continuing his journey as he shivered and trembled from the cold.

He felt utterly miserable now as he cupped his junk with his mucky hands, unsure why he was hiding himself considering there wasn't a single soul around to see him. His balls were icy cold and his dick had shrivelled to the size of a peanut, seemingly searching for heat inside his body.

Another roar of thunder seemed to shake the ground beneath him but as he continued his trek, he noticed something in the distance.

A pillar of thick smoke soared upwards through a gap in the trees. It was barely visible through the heavy rain, but he was sure that he hadn't been mistaken. A glimmer of hope buzzed in his chest as he wiped his eyes and strained to see it again.

He had been correct, but it seemed to be miles away from where he was standing, and on top of that, it looked to be rising from the complete opposite direction to which he was travelling.

He wiped his face once again, hugging himself and shivering once more.

Had he gotten so lost that he'd lost all sense of direction? He certainly didn't remember coming from where the smoke was, but then again, he'd been running senselessly ever since he and Matthew had captured Carl. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't exactly sure what way he had gone when he escaped from David.

Either way, it didn't make much difference. Even if it wasn't the location where the group had started out, it was possible that they had gathered together and set a new fire in the hopes of Ethan seeing it, and with that in mind, Ethan set off toward the smoke in the distance.

Ethan felt completely humiliated now as he skipped over puddles, slid through mud, jumped over fallen logs and crawled through bushes and long grass to reach his destination. He was almost glad he was alone so that nobody could see how pathetic he looked, covered in mud with his freezing little cock barely peeking out.

Although he had no way to tell, it had certainly felt like a couple of hours since he had made the terrible realisation that his flares were gone. His feet ached as he struggled to place one in front of the other, but the trail of smoke was now close.

He dragged himself over a fallen tree trunk, ensuring to keep his junk from scraping off the hard bark as he did, before pushing through the wet branches and finally entering a small clearing where the smoke had seemingly come from.

He had spent a lot of the journey deciding what to say when he finally found the others. He was angry at Matthew for abandoning him, even if it was a mistake. He was angry at David for stripping him half naked and taking his flares, even if it was part of the game, and he was angry at Corey for bringing him here in the first place, even if he had enjoyed some aspects of it so far.

As he burst into the small clearing, bitter words ready to burst from his mouth at whomever he encountered first, he stopped dead and stared straight ahead.

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