Chapter 1

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"At eighteen-years-old, do you really think that this type of behaviour is appropriate?" The old judge peered down his long nose at the young man before him. "I'd expect this from a child, but a grown man?" He scoffed, picking up a pen and scribbling something down.

Standing awkwardly across the room, Ethan Crewe remained silent.

"This isn't the first time you've been before me either, Mr. Crewe" the judge continued, and Ethan could sense that this was not going how he'd hoped.

"Normally that in itself would warrant a custodial sentence".

The young man was aware that there were scores of others behind him, all waiting for their turn to face the judge, but all eagerly listening for the sentence that he was about to pass down. Ethan's palms were now covered in a layer of sweat.

"However, prison seems like a stretch for such a childish prank".

A sense of relief washed over Ethan as he found his breath again, but the judge had not yet finished.

"With that said" he added and the courtroom fell silent once again "you did cause a considerable amount of damage to a facility that is used by a number of different organisations, many of which have been left without a clubhouse. Do you have a job, young man?"

"Uh... No Sir" Ethan said, clearing his throat and watching the disapproving look from the judge.

"Then I see only one course of action" the old man shrugged, and again he scribbled furiously onto the parchment on his bench.

"The scout club would be glad of the extra help" he informed Ethan "you will provide your assistance to them, free of charge of course, for a period of..." He looked to the high ceiling, thinking for a moment before continuing "two-hundred and forty hours".

Math was not Ethan's strong point, but even he knew that that was a considerable amount of time for a simple prank. He wanted to protest, but a stern eye from his father advised him that he was better off staying silent.

"And Mr. Crewe" the judge added once more "if I see you in this court again, I will impose a sentence. Remember that the next time you have any foolish ideas".

As Ethan and his father left the courthouse, barely a word was spoken. He was certainly relieved that he had managed, once again, to stay out of prison, but the idea of spending his free time with a group of nerds didn't exactly excite him.

"Could have been worse, I guess" he shrugged as his father started the car and immediately stopped it, causing the pair of them to lurch forward.

"Are you stupid?!" His father roared, turning to face him "are you really that fucking stupid, Ethan?!"

Ethan froze in his seat, shocked at his father's sudden outburst.

"This is the third fucking time in as many months that you've come out of that court with a fucking grin on your face!"

His father was shouting so loud now that passerby's were peering into the car. Ethan remained deathly silent.

"You know" he continued, lowering his voice but remaining just as angry "part of me wanted him to throw you into prison for a few weeks. Maybe that would teach you a damn lesson!"

The car screeched off down the busy street and silence fell for the next few minutes until eventually Ethan's father spoke again.

"This is your last chance, young man" he said, staring ahead of him "the next time you fuck up, you're out".

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ethan growled.

"Your mother and I have been talking" he told his son "and we've decided that you're on your last warning. You'll do this fucking community service and you'll do it well. With any luck, it might teach you some work ethic"

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