Chapter 2

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The following day brought just as much misery as the previous one. As Ethan dragged himself back to the scout's club, the rain began to pour once again until finally he stepped inside and walked back to the office.

"Good morning" Richard said blankly, indicating that it was about as good for him as it was for Ethan.

"Mornin'" Ethan huffed back

He stood in silence for a moment before Richard looked up at him questioningly.

"The wall?" Richard said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I told you yesterday" Ethan glared "it's not coming off".

"And I told you yesterday" Richard growled back "that you can try again today, now get started".

With an angered sigh, Ethan left the office and returned once again to the bathroom where he attempted to push open the door but found it locked.

"Sorry" a voice came as the lock clicked and the door opened.

The young man from yesterday stood before Ethan, his expression changing from happy to disdainful.

"Oh" he smirked "you must like it here".

"I have no choice, do I?" Ethan snapped, pushing passed the scout but realising quickly that the young man was like a solid mass, barely moving as he squeezed by.

"Of course you do" he said, now staring down at Ethan who was picking up the bucket and sponge. "You could go back to court, I heard that it'll be prison next. Or are you afraid that the men in prison will make you their bitch?"

Ethan didn't even think as he lunged toward the larger man, but his attack was instantly dissolved and he quickly found himself flipping into the air and landing hard on his back, the wind knocked from his lungs.

"Don't be stupid" the young man smirked, placing his boot on Ethan's chest before Richard appeared and dragged him off.

"What is going on here?" Richard barked, as Ethan dragged himself to his feet.

"That faggot attacked me!" Ethan winced, his back aching as he stood.

"That's enough!" Richard bellowed "the next time I hear that word coming from your filthy mouth, I'll call the fucking judge myself!"

Ethan was breathless as he stared bitterly at the man who had just humiliated him. He could tell that his face was red with embarrassment as the man continued to smirk.

"Apologise" Richard warned Ethan "now".

He wanted to run from the hall, return home and never step foot in the place again, but his father's words and that of the judge rang in his ears.

"Sorry" he muttered almost silently but it seemed enough for Richard who closed his eyes and shook his head.

"You may not like it here" he told Ethan "but for a lot of these guys, it's the only place they have, so show a bit of fucking respect". He turned and headed back toward his office.

"And Corey" he called across the hall "let me know if he fucks up again".

The scout named Corey grinned widely as Richard disappeared, Ethan continued to glare at him.

"Well" Corey shrugged "what are you waiting for? Get out and clean up your mess".

Ethan attempted to push by him once again, but once again he was met by a firm resistance and almost knocked himself off his feet in the process. He burst out the front door, hearing Corey's irritating laugh behind him as he did.

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