Chapter 13

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Greg walked ahead of Ethan as they returned to camp, and while the raging erection that Ethan had been battling for hours had finally dwindled, the view before him certainly kept him on the edge.

Greg looked as though he now walked with a limp and every few minutes another glob of cum oozed from his used hole and spilled down his leg.

He seemed unaware, or perhaps he was just happy to let Ethan watch the show, but by the time they reached the tent, Ethan felt just as horny as he had before they'd left.

It had been a few hours and as the daylight began to slip away, Ethan felt the familiar evening chill in the air.

"Well it's about time" Corey barked as the two nude young men entered the tent "where the hell did you get to?"

Thankfully the tent felt a lot warmer than Ethan had expected and when he looked around, he could see why. It appeared that the walls of the tent had been stuffed and were bulging out in different areas.

"It was my idea" Matthew beamed and Ethan looked over to see that he had nestled between Carl and David and looked rather comfortable.

"Nice one" Ethan nodded.

"You must be freezing" Corey said, walking over and taking Ethan by the shoulder before sitting him down and wrapping his arm arms around him.

Indeed, Ethan had been shaking for most of the journey back and as he allowed himself to be engulfed by Corey, he realised that he no longer cared about being naked.

It was a strange feeling considering that only yesterday the idea of a game where the sole purpose was to strip your opponent naked had seemed completely alien to him. Yet here he was, surrounded by a group of naked men, him being one of them.

Greg had enlisted the help of Ross and the two of them disappeared from the tent with a bunch of their edible findings in hand.

It appeared that they had been lucky, as a light rain had now started to fall. The sound of the rain against the tent sounded almost like popcorn being made, or even the crackle of a fire and as Ethan listened, his head resting against Corey's warm skin, a single tear fell down his cheek.

He had no idea why it had happened. He wasn't particularly sad, other than the fact that they were completely stranded, but he was thankful that Corey seemed preoccupied and hadn't noticed his lapse in masculinity.

Greg returned a few minutes later with a small bowl-like object in his hands. His eyes found Ethan who wiped his cheeks quickly and sat up.

"Here" Greg said, handing him the wooden bowl "Ross made the bowl, I made the tea".

The image of a bear-like Ross sitting down to carefully craft a wooden bowl made Ethan laugh but he was grateful as he brought the bowl of murky warm tea to his lips and slurped it.

He couldn't lie, of all the tea he had ever drank in his life, this ranked quite low, but he gulped down more, feeling the warmth of the liquid heating his throat and stomach, and leaning over it so that the steam warmed his face.

"Ross is making another bowl now" Greg told them all "and there's plenty of tea, so there's enough for everyone".

Matthew rubbed his hands together, almost as if Greg had promised him a turkey dinner and a few minutes later Ethan had drained the last of the tea down his throat and handed the bowl to Corey.

As the group took turns drinking Greg's concoction, Jules had taken to playing a game of I-Spy with anybody who would join him. This was made rather difficult by the fact that all of their belongings were gone and the only thing surrounding them was other naked men.

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