Chapter 14

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Ethan trailed behind the twins as they walked deeper into the forest. As he stared at the two identical asses bouncing before him, his cock twitched and began to swell.

It had become something of a regular occurrence by now, and so Ethan allowed his semi-erect penis to freely bob up and down as he navigated the terrain.

It was cooler under the shade of the trees and as they followed the stream further, Ethan felt a chill. At the sound of the birds chirping once again in the tree tops, Ethan thought of Matthew and how he would surely be able to identify them at once.

Ethan had been staring into the snippets of sky above him when he walked directly into the ass of a bent-over David.

"Whoops" David grinned, standing back up "was that a mistake or on purpose?"

He turned around and was holding a single white sock that he had picked up from beside the stream and Ethan's face flushed once again.

"A... It was a mistake" he replied awkwardly but David laughed.

"Looks like at least some of our stuff came this way" he told them and threw the socks at Ethan, it splattered against his face.

"Gross" he scowled, discarding it aside and following the twins.

The trees became sparser as they continued their journey until they found themselves standing in one of the forests many clearings.

The sun shone directly down upon them and they all took a moment to bask in the pre-winter heat.

The mucky terrain had been replaced too, and they now stood on a large patch of soft, green grass. The stream trickled gently around the side, almost enclosing them in this small slice of paradise that they'd stumbled upon.

"We should set up camp here" Carl said in awe as he scanned the beautiful scenery.

The noise of crickets chirping, the gentle buzz of various insects and the flowing water made the area even more inviting as they all walked to the centre and looked up, squinting in the sunlight.

"So how about we take a break" David whispered, taking a step toward Ethan and placing his cool hand against Ethan's bare chest.

"I uh..." Part of Ethan wanted to walk away. The previous night's feelings for Corey had remained firmly in his mind, but against his will, his cock began to swell again.

"Shh" David continued in a hushed voice, his hand now slowly sliding down his body.

Carl now stood behind Ethan, his arm reaching around Ethan's chest and his free hand trailing down his spine.

Ethan closed his eyes, tilting his head backwards toward the beaming rays as the twins' hands explored his body.

He felt a warmth against his neck, but didn't need to open his eyes to know that David's tongue was now riding across his soft, supple throat.

Carl's hand had reached his bottom now, and ever so slowly his finger pushed between his cheeks.

Ethan couldn't figure out what felt more pleasing as David continued to work his tongue around his neck before leaning down and tonguing one of his nipples. Ethan's rod was now standing at full mast, but so far it had remained untouched.

Carl's finger was seductively rubbing Ethan's soft hole, not quite penetrating, but close. He too had began to run his tongue across the back of Ethan's neck. It sent shivers through every part of his body.

David squeezed Ethan's nipple gently, moving his mouth to the other one as they too became erect. He'd never felt pleasure from his nipples before, but there were a lot of things he hadn't known prior to this trip.

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