Chapter 16

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The patter of rain against the tent filled Ethan's ears first, followed by the sound of murmured voices. He tried to focus on them, listening intently as they slowly became clearer.

"It was definitely the tea" he heard someone say

"No, no, he went into shock" the other replied, but Ethan was still too dazed to figure out who either of the voices belonged to.

"Either way, I still feel terrible"

"Has Corey come back yet?"

"No, not yet".

At the mention of Corey's name, Ethan stirred. His body felt dull, as if movement would be a struggle, so he started with his eyes, and slowly they flickered open.

"He's waking up!" The voice yelped and Ethan could hear scurried footsteps fill the tent.

Figures began to swim into focus as he blinked, first Matthew, then Greg, then Jules.

Ethan's head felt like it was being punched from the inside and with every eye movement, the ache became stronger.

"Get him some water" Jules said and somebody darted from the tent, returning a moment later with the small wooden bowl.

"Drink this"

Ethan felt the wood against his bottom lip and the cool liquid drain into his mouth. It felt good, it felt really good.

As he slurped the water down his dry, aching throat, the memory of what had happened hit him like a train.

He reached out, his arm heavier than he had expected and bashed the bowl away from him. It burst across the tent and fell with a splash in the corner.

"Get..." he cleared his throat painfully "get away from me".

"Ethan you need water" Jules said, his voice hinting that he was quickly becoming frustrated.

"What do you care?" he replied back stubbornly.

But it was a genuine question. Why did they care about him now? They hadn't all along. Not when they were playing their stupid game, not when he spilled his secrets to them, not when he cried. This was just like all of the other times, probably another game.

"Because I'm your friend" Jules told him.

Ethan scoffed. The words may have meant something to him a few hours ago... Or a few minutes ago... Actually, now that he thought about it, how long had it been since he found out he was nothing more than the butt of their joke?

As if Matthew had read his mind, the anxious looking man crouched down beside Ethan. In his hand he held the second bowl that Ross had created and lowered it nervously to Ethan's lips.

"It's been more than twenty-four hours" he said politely "please drink a little bit".

Ethan wanted to argue. In fact, if he had the strength, he would have quite liked to punch every single one of them that now stood or sat around him, but he didn't have the strength, not even nearly.

He sucked the water into his mouth again, feeling it soothe his burning throat. Almost instantly, the throbbing in his skull began to ease and he started to feel more like a human than a zombie.

"Be careful" Jules advised as they all watched Ethan struggle to sit up "you'll be dizzy".

As usual, Jules was correct and as Ethan leaned his bare back against the tent, the world around him began to swirl. He closed his eyes for a moment, before looking back at them.

The usual buzz that Ethan had grown used to with the group had died. Nobody spoke, or laughed or joked. Nobody was tolerating one of Matthew's silly games just to satisfy him, or bickering about Corey and his rules. There was simply silence.

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