Chapter 10

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The journey back to camp was far more enjoyable now that Matthew was leading the way. It also helped that both Ethan's and Matthew's balls were considerably lighter than they had been before their encounter.

Once again, the sky above them appeared to be unsettled. The city could barely be seen in the distance, but a huge rain cloud above it looked to be heading their way.

"I used to be scared of you" Matthew said back to Ethan who raised a brow.

"Me?" He asked, confused "but I've never even seen you before... Well before this"

Matthew's shoulders jumped, indicating that he was now laughing before he turned around and in the most un-Ethan-like voice, attempted to mimic him.

"Hey faggot" he said, lowering his tone "what's in the bag, your dildo?"

A memory flashed through Ethan's mind and instantly he felt terrible.

"Oh man" he blushed, rubbing his forehead "I didn't know..."

"It's okay" Matthew smiled at him "it wasn't a dildo, it was my scouts uniform"

He turned back around and continued walking and Ethan could only smile at how naïve the young man truly was.

"Richard told us not to wear the uniform walking through the park" he said "said that it could attract the wrong attention".

They walked in silence as Ethan remembered how often he and his group of moron friends had ridiculed those who wore that uniform. It was because of them that an entire group had been scared to wear it, and another punch of guilt hit him in the stomach.

The pair navigated the terrain until finally Ethan began to recognise his surroundings.

"How did you know the way?" Ethan asked, almost in awe at how quick they had been able to return.

Matthew turned and showed him a small, circular device in his hand. It looked like a watch face, almost antique.

As Ethan stared at it blankly, Matthew smirked.

"Dude" he grinned "you're so naïve. It's a compass".

The camp was almost deserted as the pair returned, except for David who looked as though he was hugging his knees beside the fire pit.

"Where's the welcome party?" Matthew called and David's head swung around as he clambered from the ground and darted toward them, Ethan in particular.

"Thank God!" He groaned, wrapping his slender arms around him and hugging him tightly.

"Wow!" Ethan half winced, half laughed, unsure whether to return the hug and settling with a pat on the shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Ethan" he said, rubbing his face "I tried to call you back when I realised, but it was too late".

"Forget about it" Ethan smiled "Matthew saved me".

Carl had now appeared as did Ross who appeared much less concerned about Ethan's return.

"So you survived" he scoffed, walking right by the group and toward the fire pit.

As they all joined him around the pit, Carl and David blasted Ethan with questions about his adventure. He recounted his story, leaving out certain parts including his emotional breakdown and utter terror, but added some new parts, that even he didn't know until now.

"And a bear was standing at the tree when I arrived, so I picked up a tree trunk that had nearly fallen on me and chased that mother fucker away".

Matthew watched him wide-eyed as he told the story, but Ethan had a feeling that the others didn't quite buy his story.

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