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They reached the location of the home. Dave parked the car. Kurt is currently trying his hardest to stay awake.

Yet the drug in his system was making it difficult. Dave gets out first. He walked himself around and opened the passenger.

Kurt stumbled himself out of the vehicle. His breathing panted. Shallow and shaky. His cheeks rosy and warm.

Dave caught him and wrapped an arm around. Kurt sniffled a few times as if he has a runny nose.

The drummer started to think about Kurt's symptoms. His eyebrows knitted themselves together.

He carefully shuts the passenger door behind Kurt. It startled him. Kurt jolted as his body got even closer to Dave.

"It's okay, it's okay." Dave muttered. Guiding Kurt inside of the home. Before Dave could even grab the door knob.

The door opened and revealed the bassist. He imediantly knew what was going on.

"Get Kurt upstairs in his room." Krist commanded gently as he pointed to the stairs.

"Why?" Dave asked but Krist snapped back. "Just do it!"

Kurt sluggishly walked beside the drummer. Holding onto Dave, his eyes all watery and dilated.

The black leather jacket draped over Kurt's shoulders. Dave guided Kurt up the stairs.

Krist following behind the two. Clearly disappointed on his facial expression mixed with anger.

Dave was confused on why Krist would be so angry. He couldn't exactly figure out what was wrong with Kurt and why Krist is suddenly mad.

He couldn't think on why.

All three entered the bedroom. Dave carefully laid Kurt onto the bed. "I..got a go put on a shirt.." the drummer mumbled, realizing he's still shirtless.

He exited the room. Leaving Kurt and Krist in the bedroom that belongs to Cobain.

"Damnit, Kurt!" Krist sneered. Kurt has his head laying on his pillow. His thumb brushing the fabrications as he breathes slowly.

His blue eyes not even looking at Krist. The leather jacket now covering Kurt's bottom half and waist.

"You need to start talking, right now!" Krist shouted. Kurt felt tears sting in his already watery eyes.

" 'Mm, sorry."  Kurt slurred in response. Staring at the wall with his back facing the bassist.

"You used it, again. Didn't you?" Krist asked as Dave entered. The drummer furrowed his eyebrows.

He sits on the bed. His calm gentle hand placed itself onto Kurt's shoulder.

"Used what?" Dave asked towards the bassist. Krist shakes his head. "Kurt, you better answer." He snapped at the doped blond in the bed.

"I did." Kurt replied weakly. Krist huffed. He stood himself up and walked to the exit of the bedroom.

He suddenly blew up in anger. "I can't believe this! Kurt, you need to stop using heroin! This needs to stop! One of these days it's going to kill you. Do you really want that?!"

Dave went wide eyed once he heard Krist's words. He had no idea about Kurt being an addict.

"I don't know." Kurt replied to Krist's outburst. Dave, rather was more gentle than how Krist is reacting.

Dave started to rub Kurt's shoulder softly. Krist sighed. "I can't believe you. This..this has to stop. You stranded yourself in the fucking woods!"

"I wasn't!" Kurt screamed back. His breathing got all shallow and shaky again. His mind felt fuzzy.

Krist shakes his head. He left the room. Slamming the door shut and exiting.
Dave sighed softly. He continued to rub Kurt's shoulder.

"Hey.." Dave spoke up after the heated moment. Kurt's eyes slowly look over. He sniffled again.

"...He's not mad at you." Dave acknowledged towards the other. Kurt shifted a bit. But remained laying on his side.

"He's worried about you." Dave mumbled.

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