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When they pulled me out and took me to a room where Chaewon was sitting, i was confused. But my eyes flared up seeing Yang Haegoon. Chaewon's dad.

Speaking of the girl she just sat there with sweat dripping down her face. And then Hansol pulled out his gun pointing it to her head.

I watched as her eyes tightly closed. 

Jaehyun: What are you doing?

I had not much of energy left in me. And with the jacket now gone from it's spot i could feel blood trickling down my back. 

Suddenly i felt my shirt tear open with the blade scratching my skin, i quickly turned around to see that one of Yang's men was behind me.

He forcefully turned me back around and i felt alcohol drip down my back sending a sensation of burning flames across my body, making me hiss and flinch. Two more men held me down. And i soon felt a needle be inserted in me and out of me. And i got the idea that they were stitching up my wound.

I looked at Haegoon.

Jaehyun: Why not just kill me?

Haegoon: Kill you without getting anything out of you? Such a waste. Especially a waste of my daughter's actions to get you here.

My eyes snapped to Chaewon who only looked at me with shaking eyes. I gulped down the feeling of anger. 

I had a feeling it was that from the time i woke up. Only because i saw her hesitate to send me in her house. And her conscious eyes when we were in there. 

For sure there was something i was missing but i knew she regretted it. Or i liked to believe so.

A bandage wrapped around me and the men left me there with a torn up shirt. I still felt weak. I had no food even after all the blood loss.

A gun clicked making me look up and see the pistol being pressed against Chaewon. 

Hansol: Now Jaehyun, this gun can hold 6 bullets. But right now it contains only one. Choose your words wisely.

Jaehyun: You can't kill her! She is your sis-

He pulled the trigger making me flinch. But no sound came. I looked up and saw him smirk. 

Chaewon: Jaehyun don't do it. Don't say anything! Save your group!

Haegoon: Shut up!

Hansol pulled the trigger again making both me and Chaewon flinch. I saw tears roll down her face. 4 more triggers were left and no one knows which one will kill Chaewon.

Another click.

I closed my eyes. What if the bullet is next. Chaewon- my group- i could lie... but if they find out?

Haegoon: Hansol... put the gun down.

Hansol: But da-

Haegoon: Put it down.

He put the gun down and i looked at the man.

Haegoon: Throw him back in the cell. And daughter dear... let me give you a painful punishment for what you did.

Jaehyun: Wh- No!

But it was of no use, they were already dragging me away as i saw Chaewon being pulled into another room. 

Our eyes met for a second and i saw the fear in her eyes which were clearly reflected in my own.


The next few hours were nerve wrecking. I sat against the wall and waited around aimlessly. What if i don't get to see Chaewon again? What if they took her away-

My thoughts were interrupted when a man opened the door and dropped Chaewon in, closing the door just as quick.

I stared at her in shock as she whimpered and cried. My body was reacting slowly but i forced myself to get up and sit next to her. 

Jaehyun: C-Chaewon.

 Why did i stutter?

I pulled her up to a sitting position and saw all the scars on her body. What did he do to her?

Jaehyun: Oh my god i am so sorry.

Chaewon: Why are you apologizing?

Jaehyun: If i spoke up-

She hugged me, burying her head in my shoulder. 

Chaewon: And expose your group? How could you think of that?

Jaehyun: I don't know.

I was raging mad. My blood boiled seeing her like this. But i was weak. So weak i couldn't express my anger. 

And it was not helping that her hug was comforting. I looked down and saw her resting her head on my chest with quivering lips, tears still streaming down her face.

After much contemplation, i pulled her closer to me, so that now she was on my lap. I ran a hand through her hair and kissed the top of her head.

Jaehyun: We will get out of here.

Her hold around me got more secure.

Chaewon: Promise?

Jaehyun: Promise.


Shorter chapters :( But i will try to end these two books quickly so i will be releasing more chapters today!

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