Kick Carter's Ass

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We both tilted our head into the hallway seeing him holding the test Bree had taken before we left showing me it was true. "Darling, are you pregnant again?" Bree turned to look at me like a ghost knowing we were in deep trouble. "We're in trouble now."

We just remained standing still, neither of us uttering a word towards Kayce. I never expected him to find out this way or that Bree would keep a hold of the test and bring it with her. He just stands in front of us waiting for an answer to why he had found it. "Y/n did you not hear my question. Are we pregnant again and you didn't tell me?"

"Kayce, I-" I paused, unsure of what to tell him exactly. Glancing back over to our daughter it was her decision what I told him. She was going to keep the baby since she told me that the next morning we woke up after she told him in the barn. "It's your choice whether you tell him or not honey."

Kayce knitted his brows together, throwing a hand up away from his side. "Can someone please explain what exactly is going on here?"

Bree stepped out from behind me wrapping her arms around herself. Her hair falls over her shoulders avoiding the gaze of her father for a few brief moments until she mumbled under her breath. "The test is mine,'s mine."

"What?" He immediately responded back thinking he didn't hear her correctly or something.

She slumped her shoulders, sighing heavily at him. "The baby is mine, dad. The simple truth is that Carter and I slept together. We didn't expect that it would happen so easily. But I am pregnant...I am a teen mom."

"Did you know about this, darling?" My husband asked, gripping the pregnancy test in his hands.

Nodding my head slowly I crossed my arms over my chest I tapped my boots on the wooden floor. Locking my eyes up with my husband's eyes I paused softly. "Yes I did, Kayce. She asked me to keep it a secret. She was afraid of how you would react."

"Oh you mean like I'm going to kick Carter's ass. Because he knocked you up and took your teenage life from you!" He raised his voice, removing his brown hat, throwing it across the room angry.

Bree tried to respond back but he wasn't having it. "Dad, please don't-"

"He's a dumb teenager who is a drop out of school. Even though he's working at the ranch, if he ever left he would have nowhere to go!" Kayce throws his hands up in the air where I heard Bree make a whimpered noise. "The only reason he has anything is because he works for my father!"

Taking a few steps towards him I attempted to talk down. It wasn't helping that he was yelling at his daughter like this. "Kayce, just calm down for a second. Okay I freaked out just like you are but she is very emotional right now. I also talked with Carter and he will stay if you allow him to remain on the ranch."

"Y/n, he got her pregnant!" He tried but I cut him short.

"Which is the same thing you did to me. Then you put  another girl in the same position but you upping left me!" I shouted at him turning my hands into fists at my sides before I gave him a shove backwards. I felt tears falling down my face and it wasn't even really about our past situation anymore. "You left me for eleven years and it was the hardest thing I have ever dealt with. So I am begging for you to let him stay to help her out."

Four sets of feet came padding down the hallway for all of us to see the twins who wanted to play. "Mommy, daddy. Can you play hide and seek with us?" Dallas asked with Elsa bouncing up and down on her boots.

"Uh in a little bit kiddo. We have to talk with your sister first." I responded down to the twins upset that they must have heard us arguing.

Elsa pointed her index fingers to her older sister asking sweetly. "Were you fighting because sissy is crying?" Clutching my eyes tightly closed I cursed myself in my head that they heard us. I always regretted when Bree would hear us fighting about Monica and what he did that we didn't resolve until  three years ago.

"I'm alright, little E. Now how about you and D go into the kitchen because I'm pretty sure there's some cookies from the store." Bree bends down on her knees sniffing away some tears efore the twins ran off.

"I get the first one, D!" Elsa bolted towards the kitchen getting a head start from him.

Dallas chased after her not liking that she cheated him. "Cheater. It's the oldest who gets the first cookie!"

Bree rose to her feet hearing them rustling around looking for the deserts she told them about that would keep them distracted for a little while. "That will keep them distracted but dad I was terrified this would happen...that you would want him gone but I care about Carter. So whether you let him stay I am going to keep the baby because that's what mom did with me." She dusted her hands on her pants starting to cry some more.

"Bree, I....he broke the one rule I told him too. He was supposed to treat you right and he didn't do that at all." Kayce spoke towards her, dropping his arms at his sides. His hair was a little tousled from when he threw his hat across the room. "I can't see him being a good father."

I sucked in a harsh gasp never expecting our daughter to ever get so angry with her father. Since he came back home she always looked up at him like he was the greatest no matter what. "Good father huh, that's your choice of words for me. Because that wouldn't be my choice of words for you from all the crap you put mom through!"

"Bree sweetheart, let's not go there...and I thought you didn't know about our fights." I struggle to find the right words, feeling guilty over this. Kayce shifted his gaze over to me almost white as a ghost like I was at this moment.

She throws her arms up croaking out more heavy sobs. "Of course I knew mom. I was eleven years old, making me old enough to understand what was going on. I could see the utter pain in your eyes but even though it took me time to put the pieces together, it was caused by my own father!"

"Bree..." Kayce reached out with his right hand but she smacked his hand away, stomping in between us and slamming the bedroom in our faces.

Running my fingers through my hair I was at a loss for words when I finally turned to look directly at my husband. I couldn't have predicted that anything close to this would have happened. I could only imagine that our baby girl felt horrible and she was blaming herself so much. "God we are horrible parents...."

"She blames me for everything Y/n. I...I thought I had done everything to fix my mistake." He mutters to me picking his hat up from the floor. He spun on his heels heading towards the front door where I chased after him seeing him fling the front door opened.

"Kayce, Kayce. Where are you going?" I hollered watching him quickly run downstairs the stairs to get in his truck.

Resting my hands on the porch railing he closed the door calling out the driver window leaving me there to wonder how much trouble we would be in coming soon. "I am going to kick that ranch hand named Carter's ass. Don't worry I'll be back later tonight!"

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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