Governor John Dutton

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Eight Months Later
The twins are as wild as ever running around the ranch this morning. The morning when everything with change for my father in law, John Dutton. Walking down the stairs I could see Bree off helping Carter in the barn. Tate was off somewhere riding I suppose as I sat my cowgirl hat on my head getting in my truck and driving to where my husband said to meet him and the other livestock agents. Exiting the truck I smiled his direction seeing he already had a horse waiting for me. Climbing up on it the wind moved hair in front of my face. "Your father is getting the governor job today. Rip's got to mange the ranch for an entire party tonight. I don't think there's ever been this many possible people there."

"Yeah well I sure as heck never expected him to take the position to begin with...maybe a little but now it's...real." Kayce chuckled but I could hear the shock in his tone. If there was one type of person I never expected
John to become it was governor. He only cares about what is best for the ranch. Meaning that he would destroy the possibility of an airport and more before it had even been a month I had no doubt about it.

Clicking my tongue and getting my horse to move we raced with the others to make sure the people trying to cross the boarded with stolen horses didn't get away. My horse turned to a stop as one guy tried to move around me. Yanking my reins the other way my horse got directly in the face of the bad guys horse where I could shove them back onto our side. Kayce caught one guy almost escaping on horse back until he roped him by the waist throwing him down into the water. He then jumped off cuffing him and sending him with our officers. "Man I gotta say I like starting my day like this. Riding horses and watching you rope, Kayc.." I smirked resting my chin in the palm of my hand.

"Oh you do...well who knows your cowboy might have something else up his sleeve later tonight." He flirted back climbing on his horse riding back to the truck but not before sending me a wink seeing me blushing a little.

Getting back to the ranch we got out of our truck seeing a bunch of people and tents already set up. Rushing inside the house we changed out of our work clothes and into something formal. Kayce in one of his button up shirts and jeans with his hat. Me in a simple orange dress and brown boots wearing a light brown cowgirl hat on my head. "I'll get us drinks. Be right back darlin'." He kisses my cheek as I caught sight of Ryan and the other cowboys playing around with ropes. Slowly walking over there was a girl trying to show like she wasn't watching them but I could tell she was.

"Which one of them is eyeing you. I work with them all. I can be a good judge." I smiled leaning my back against the fence seeing my sister in law Beth walking over to Rip who was watching the party from up on the hill.

The girl shakes her head in denial but failed. "I'm not gonna get with any of them. They can't be devoted to both you and a place like this..I'm Abby by the way."

She sticks out her hand that I shook. "Y/n Dutton, nice to meet you." Staring back at the boys I saw Ryan staring over our direction with a smile. "I think you should reconsider the whole not dating a cowboy thing. If you find a amazing one you'll be suprised." Kayce comes our way carrying two beers in his hands grinning which is something that doesn't happen often on this ranch.

"Well who would you suggest, him?" She pointed at my husband making me snort out a reply immediately.

"He's taken, honey." Pointing at Ryan with my index finger she followed where I was pointing. "Him...I dated him for a little while. Trust me he's good."

Kayce hands me my beer tipping his hat to Abby beside me offering me his arm for a dance. "Care to dance, darlin'?"

Sitting my beer on the ground alongside his I spun him on his toes dragging him onto the dance floor by the stage that had a live band. "I just hooked Ryan up with a girl. Look over there. That's her." His eyes shifted over watching Ryan playfully rope the girl in for a dance with his charm making me smile.

"Good for him. Now if only we could stop that from happening-" He scoffed lightly tilting his head in the direction of the barn allowing me to see Bree and Carter spinning the other around as the music played. He had gotten taller and our daughters hair had gotten longer. I knew it was a matter of time before we have to have the talk about periods and what not.

Kayce spins me out and back into his chest throwing my hair around. "Don't you worry cowboy. We've got awhile before the other two try and grow up on us." He intertwined our hands together again and our boots kicked up dust around.

"Where are the twins anyway-" He cuts himself off mid sentence when Elsa jumps up on his leg. I giggled twirling Dallas up in my arms seeing that they didn't mind almost wearing the same outfit.

Elsa hangs on her father's leg until he offers her to sit on his boots so he could dance around with her. Dallas and I do the same making my heart swoon at such enjoyment like this. A part of me thought we wouldn't get nights like this anymore. Spinning my son around I glanced through the crowd seeing John sitting at a table full of politicians. I could tell he was miserable it was clear on his face. But his slogan was for the ranch. "If you're watching this Evelyn. I hope we're doing it right." I mumbled to myself glancing up at the sunset in the horizon.

Exiting the barn the next morning Rip had assigned Carter to ride John's horse. Brew and I climbed on our saddles. Kayce was having our other kids help clean up from the party. "Cart you're missing something." She called out to him as he was running around in a panic making sure everything was good.

"What am I missing, Bree?" He asked halting in his tracks.

She giggled tipping her tan hat up to him where he smacked his forehead cursing as he got it from the barn finally climbing onto the horse. "Hat shit. Where's the hat!"

Kicking my horse in the belly I led the kids out following the others to see them moving the cattle. Bree and I worked pretty good together. Carter got one until his horse fell into a hole. Whipping my head around I raced over seeing his arm messed up. "Carter, you alright. What hurts?" My motherly instincts kicking in seeing him not being able to raise his arm.

"You need to keep one eye on the cow and the other on the ground." Rip orders seeing the horses legs didn't look too good.

Carter looks at Bree almost in tears as she pets her grandfather's horse. "Is the horse gonna be okay?" She shakes her head no seeing Rip reach for the rifle on his saddle.

"Rip, wait a second. That's John's horse. There must be something we can do.." I trailed off rising to my feet and securing his arm holding the shotgun.

He slumped his shoulders allowing me to see regret in his eyes. He hated having to kill a horse everyone knew that. "That leg won't heal, Y/n. We can't have him suffering." He gently pushed me aside with Bree pointing the weapon and killing the horse.

Closing my eyes I immediately replied towards my daughter. "Liyod, help him with the saddle. Bree take Carter back to the barn." She nodded helping him to his feet and the three of them removed the gear heading back towards the barn. Riding up to the house I dismounted my horse hearing the sound of a bark and four paws racing towards me. "Hey, Maxon. Hey boy." Running my fingers through the golden retrievers fur he wags his tail as Kayce walked down the stairs.

"Bree told me what happened. My father won't be happy he loved that horse." He replied removing his hat taking a seat on the front porch steps. Sitting down beside him I removed my hat resting it on my knees laying my head on his shoulder.

He draped his arm over my shoulder hearing me sigh heavily. "It was a good horse...I'm just glad the boy or our daughter didn't get hurt." He nodded kissing my forehead until we locked eyes. "It made me realize something today though, we need to teach these kids how to ride. When the twins are old enough that's when we start. Because when you're father's gone it's up to us Kayce."

"Don't you worry darlin'. Nobody is gonna take this place from our family. This is our home and we will fight for it." He whispered tilting my chin up so he could kiss me. Leaning into the kiss I prayed he was right. That the outsiders wouldn't get the land my children grow up on.

Season 5 has started!!!

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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