Moving On

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Based off season 4 episode 4

I slept with Ryan
I slept with him.
I've only ever slept with Kayce and I'm glad Ryan made me forget him. John took Kayce to show him the man hired to kill us. He asked us to go see Jamie and question him. Throwing on a black Yellowstone sweatshirt, blue jeans and boots with my cowgirl hat hair all loose. "So he told you first?" He spoke in question but I just look out his truck window saying nothing. "Y/n, Y/n are you seriously not going to talk to me!" Getting out of the truck we head to Jamie's office. Jamie said that Kayce drove through an enter section shooting the truck with an assault rifle. Kayce drops the file telling him. "This is the man who hurt us." John wants him to interview the man.

Getting back to the ranch Kayce told John what happened. Brushing my horse's fur in the barn Bree comes running in giggling. "Mama can I go ask Tate to play?" Tipping my hat up I shake my head no sadly. "Not right now baby. How about you go play with Holly." She nods walking off. Bree doesn't need to be anywhere near Monica specifically. Footsteps approach me and I already know who it is. "Y/n, please. Please talk to me..." He slowly stepped up until we're a few steps away from one another. "I wanna talk, try and fix this...fix us." He directs with his arm me and him.

"Unless you're here to tell me Monica is leaving and never coming back. I have nothing to say to you." I try walking past him but he snags my wrist blocking me in between his chest and one of the closed barn stalls. "I'm an idiot. An idiot who chose wrong. And I'm sorry - I'm sorry for lieing about Bree-" I cut him shoving his chest angrily. "Do you regret lieing to me about Bree. Regret punching Ryan. Because I can't believe anything you say. It's all bullshit Kayce!" He puts his arms on the side of my head staring into my eyes deeply. "I divorced Monica Y/n!"

Wiggling my way out of his arms I stomp out of the barn seeing Ryan and the cowboys moving cattle that have pink eye. "So that's it. You're just never gonna talk to me. I love you damn it. Isn't that enough!" He roars causing me to spin in my boots throwing my hands up. "Loving you is the only thing that....It hurts me because I want to chase after you when you leave...Kayce I don't want to hear an apology. I can't believe a word you say anymore!"

"I regret everything - I regret creating this anger between us. I regret destroying the happiness and love we had 2 months ago..." Kayce removes his hat running a hand through his hair, holding it in his other hand. "I've made things I'm not proud of. I'm a selfish man. Who can't decide who he wants to be with-" I feel tears falling down my face taking two steps forward. "Then I'm a selfish woman...because I slept with Ryan. I thought it was to move on from you - but it wasn't. It's because I have no idea what to do anymore Kayce."

He stepped up dropping his hat. "Tell me what to do and I'll do it. This is a promise and I won't break it..." Running my hands through my hair I growl under my breath. "Hell no. We're not doing that. I gave you the freedom to choose and you left, you left me for Monica. I - I can't go through that again..." He cups my face in his hands  kissing me suddenly making me release a gasp. I hesitantly kissed back hearing the front door open so I opened one eye seeing Monica and Tate carrying out suitcases and loading his truck. He can't be serious!!

Removing my lips from his I release a cry holding my hands up not wanting him to come any closer. "You son of a bitch. You lied again. You're choosing her again over everything!" He strides up securing my arms to keep me from running. "I'm not choosing her. I told her she should leave and go be with her family. I'm only taking her to them. I'll be coming back and forth..." He reaches into his pocket pulling out his wedding ring and mine, shoving them into my hands. "Hold onto these. You're ring and mine."

"Kayce..." He holds a finger to my lips locking onto his brown eyes I see regret. "I choose you. I choose you Y/n L/n. I'm giving them to you to make a choice. Giving you the choice..." He released my other wrist picking up his hat, placing it on my head. The black dusty hat he wears all the time. "Keep this hat and the rings. I'll come back this time I promise you. Instead of asking you what you want, I'm going to be here waiting. Waiting for you whenever you're ready."

He slowly stepped towards the truck for me to see John anz him talk then his truck driving under the Yellowstone sign. John dropped to sit on the porch steps releasing tears as I talk a seat beside him. "He's not coming back. It's happening all over again Y/n." I opened my right hand eyeing the rings. With my freehand I removed his black hat remembering the first time I wore his hat. Where I was so young. So innocent. No heartbreaks. No love. Just the new neighbor of the Dutton's.

"Keep it for the ride." He points his index finger to his hat on my head sending me a wink making me blush lightly.
Stumbling off my horse for the first time into his muscular arms.

Giving him the nickname like we'd known each other forever. "Kayc - huh?" He smirks lightly sitting me on my feet. I stutter out barely making eye contact. "I - um.."

He takes his hat off my head to put it on his before wrapping an arm around me, smirking. "Don't be embarrassed y/n, I like're the only one who calls me that alright."

Sitting it on the porch I lay my head in my hands feeling John rest his hand on my back. "I don't know what to believe anymore John. He said he chooses me, all the way. But I - how can I believe it..." He noticed the hat and the wedding bands. "I believe he's telling the truth Y/n." Lifting my face from my hands I sniffed through tears I question. "How John. I don't understand?" He picks up the rings holding them in front of my face. "Because he left these darlin'. The ring he proposed to you with is his mother's wife Evelyn's ring that's how certain I am."

Will Kayce come back?

Can Y/n truly believe him?

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