Chapter 37

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"You're so happy for someone who's on bad terms with dad", Sasha provoked her, "Bitc- Girl, shut up", Peace quickly corrected her language before her mother could catch up.

It has been two days since Sasha came home and they went to Granny's house with her mother. "Come on give me some love, I know you missed me", Peace hugged her, "Oh, and give it to mama too, the girl could not stop talking about you in that house, she almost got divorced", Sasha spoke however when she was away from their father. Peace looked at her mother, she looked embarrassed maybe because she felt she had failed her daughter, but Peace did not like it then she said, "Hey my beautiful Queen, do not mind crazy Sash, I've missed you too", she went and hugged her mother, she wanted her to know she was not mad at her anymore. 

"I heard your voice", her grandmother came out of her bedroom, she spends a lot of time there listening to the radio because the TV shows were too modern for her. "Hi, mama", Peace's mother greeted as she sat on the sofa, "Your child comes to my room seeming so excited to see me only to ask me for money, you need to deal with that kid before she kills all of us for insurance money", Sasha always did that to annoy her grandmother because she was known for always asking for money, "Granny I would not even have to kill you, you know?", she laughed. Their grandmother was old and would complain about how her health was declining so Sasha was referring to that.

"Peace, make food for your mama", Peace walked to the kitchen, "She's full, we just ate before coming here", Sasha said, "Yeah, but she wants food from her home, and this is her home where she was raised, she will eat when she wants food from her home, do you hear me, Sasha?", their grandma was very protective of her children, especially against their kids. "Where is Skye?", grandma asked, Skye was her favourite grandchild, "She was taking a nap, we did not want to wake her up", her mama answered, "She is going to be so mad when she wakes up", Peace said as she gave her mother a plate. "Yep, I told mama, she said she did not want to leave our dad alone, so it was a good thing Skye was napping when we left, so that she could keep him company once she wakes up", Sasha added. 

"How is he?", Peace asked, and everyone got quiet and looked at their mother. When she realized that they wanted an answer from her she finished chewing the food in her mouth, "He's going to be fine", Peace knew he was still angry, "I'm leaving on Friday", she blurted that out, "And mama if he wants to stay mad for the rest of the year that's fine, I'll give him the space. I am not about to be sad about it anymore, I am so done", she was hurt. "I know baby, I tried talking to him, you know how he is", her mother tried to justify his actions, "It's fine mama, it's not your fault".

Peace had been chilling with Sasha outside as their mother bonded with grandma and Aviwe went to the mall. "Granny's cake is ready, I should ask mama to fetch it for me tomorrow so we can finally move past it, your grandma has been asking me about it since I got here", Sasha rolled her eyes, "Girl you're not done spending that money recklessly, I do not blame dad for reacting like that", Peace got up, "You did not care when I was spending it on you" "That's because I know where it comes from", she raised her hands as Peace marched inside the house.

"Granny, your cake is ready, but we'll need someone to fetch it from their place, maybe tomorrow morning", she looked at her mother, "You bought a cake?", her mother asked, "Yes, at least someone in this family can keep their promise", her grandma spoke first. "You could help out with drinks and everything else, I am out of money now", she asked her mother, "Okay, maybe we can go together? You could come home with me tonight and we go to the store in the morning", she tried her luck, "Mama you know I can't do that.", Peace did not want to disappoint her mother, but she also did not want to fight with her dad, "Your father will be sleeping by the time we get home". This whole situation was stressing her mother, she was caught in-between and most of the time it was always easy with Peace because she easily let things go so, she did not know how to deal with this one, it was just beyond her. "Okay as long as Sasha is not driving", she went to pack her little backpack, "I was not even planning to", she shouted from the living room. Sasha was a terrible driver, she drove as if she was suicidal and she would make scary jokes while driving, jokes like, "I'm curious of what would happen if I do not break at that turn, maybe this car will roll multiple time before bursting into flames", then would laugh when she sees their reactions.

Their drive was initially quiet, "How are you?", her mama asked, Peace turned and look at her as if her mother was driving meanwhile, it was her, "I just miss you all that's all", she said and focused on the road, "He's going to come around, you do not worry about him", Peace offered a smile. "How about you? How are you doing?", her mother avoided eye contact, "I don't know Peace, I will be fine", she was stressed out.  "I am sorry for putting you in all of this mama", even though she was mad at her at first, she knew it was a lot for her too, so she decided not to involve her. "Not y'all having a therapy session in my presence, shame dad did a number on you two", Sasha let out a low laugh, "You need to see one, Sash, seriously", Peace said to Sasha, "Girl, give me all that money I'll book myself to one", Peace rolled her eyes, not even surprised she said that, "One would think you are on drugs." "I might be", Peace ignored that and continued with driving them home.

They found Skye watching TV, "Mama, I cannot believe you did me like that", that was the first thing she said when they entered the house, "Look! We came back with Peace", Sasha said faking the excitement, Skye looked over her shoulder, "Hi sweetheart", they fist-bumped, "Why are you up at this time?", Peace asked because Skye used to sleep very early, "I took a long nap now I cannot sleep". "Well, I am tired let me go sleep", Peace said her goodbyes, "Oh, if you want to ride with us tomorrow wake up early, I don't want to hear stories", she added on her way to her bedroom, "Where are you going?", Skye asked, "Sasha will fill you up!", she yelled as she closed her bedroom door, Sasha and Skye shared a room. "She comes here and makes all that noise at night, knowing very well that I was sleeping, and I am supposed to be cool with that?", she could hear her father shouting from the living room and she rushed to lock her door, she was staying out of this one.

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