Chapter 20

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Peace was laying on her bed that morning, right after her morning jog, her mind was miles away. She had been replaying what Akwande had said to her the previous afternoon. She was aware that she had a little crush on him but now she was starting to think he shared the same feelings.

She woke up, done her bed, swept the room, and was now preparing breakfast.

Beep! Beep!

"Antonio: I have a gig for you this weekend, the theme is angels. Wear white." She was a bit confused why would her Boss agree to a gig without informing her first, also he was being unprofessional. "Send an email next time, this is unprofessional, and I work from Thursday-Sunday. You cannot be texting me on a Tuesday." She was glad that it was a text so that she can say whatever.

"Antonio: What do you know about the profession, just do as I say."

'Little monkey.'

She had decided to skip classes today and do more self-studying because she was falling behind in her lectures. "Rea: So, you finally decided it was useless to attend your classes?", she did not tell her friend she was not attending today, so Rea texted her when she realized she was absent. "Peace: I'm trying to catch up, let's get ice cream after 5." Rea had a lab, and it was going to end at 5 pm then she'll pass by Peace's place so they would to the ice cream place. "Rea: It's on you for making me attend alone, I feel lost.", she cried out sending crying emojis. "I'm going to tell you something.", Peace typed while having a snack bar.

Beep! Beep!

"Akwande: I found new information regarding our project, meet me at 5"

'No Hi, How are you? How rude'

"I'm afraid your information will have to wait, I have plans.", she replied not willing to cancel on her friend. "Akwande: Postpone.", Peace didn't even bother to answer.

At 5 pm she found herself standing outside her building waiting for Akwande, yes, she cancelled on Rea. He parked the car next to her, and when she started walking towards the passenger seat, he came out of the driver's seat.

'Is he going to open the door for me? Let me wait.'

She was surprised when he walked past her toward the building entrance, "Where are you going?", she asked following behind him, "To your room, you're going to sign me in and we'll use your room.", he said taking out his student card.

Peace vowed to never bring boys to her room even if it was about school, but right now she was worried about the state of her room. She was a neat freak, she never left her room messy, but it was suddenly not clean enough. "No! We are not going to my room. You did not say that when you asked to meet.", she was a little panicky, "Well, I'm saying it now, I'm already here we might as well save time.", he said handing out his student card to the security guard for signing in.

'He's dead serious.'

"Room number?", the security guard asked ready to write it down, "Seriously we can't go to my room. It's a crime scene.", she ignored the security guard. Her heart was beating so fast, she compared her little room to his cottage, and it was a pure embarrassment in her eyes.

After trying so hard to convince him to reconsider, she found herself unlocking her room. She let him in, "You might as well stop sucking, we're already here.", he said passing her by the door and entering the room. "It's a nice place", he said looking around, "You don't have to say that." She said already feeling insecure about the place, "I'm serious and you're doing a great job keeping it", he said once he was closer and towering over her. Her cheeks started burning and she only managed to utter a "Thank you" before walking past him to her study desk to set up her study material. 

Akwande noticed she was blushing before she could hide it, he followed her and went to stand in front of her and made her look him in the eye by pushing her chin up with his index finger, "If I knew you better I was going to say you're blushing.", Peace moved away from him not having an idea what she was doing anymore, "Oh please, don't be so full of yourself", she answered just when Akwande noticed the balcony, "Oh! You also have a little cute balcony the view must be nice from here", he said already walking towards it. "You're not here for house viewing!", Peace shouted so that he could hear her from outside, "You're right, I'm here for you. By the way, making love on that balcony at night while the city sleeps would be amazing."

'WTF was that?! And why am I considering it?'

They worked without even checking the time, Peace brought out snack bars and offered him a drink while she drank water. They went into a work mode you would not tell they were the same people that were arguing about nothing earlier on.

Knock! Knock!

Omuhle tried to open the door almost immediately, "Girl! Why is your door locked?", you could hear the confusion in her voice as she shouts from the other side of the door. Peace jumped out of her chair towards the door, "Obviously I have a visitor Omuhle", she said almost whispering hoping that her friend will lower her voice too or believe her and leave without asking anything else. "A boy? You're having a male visitor? Stop joking and open the door I have good news for you." She knew she was not going to believe her, "Omu please come back after an hour I'll explain. I'm serious I have a visitor.", Omuhle was not having it. "Girl, I know you're lying; you don't bring boys to your room you said it yourself you'll only bring your boyfriend once you get one." At this point she was so embarrassed because Omuhle was loud and clear, "I'm begging you; I'll take you out just leave my door.", she begged. "Fine! I wanted to tell you I found you a match on Tinder, you're going to get laid Bitch", she said excitedly and walked off, Peace wanted to be buried at that spot. She gathered the little strength she had and turned walking towards her chair, "Pretend you heard nothing.", she warned Akwande who just raised his hands.

About 50 minutes, Akwande was packing up his stuff, "So you're on Tinder?", he asked pushing his laptop into his backpack.

"I thought we agreed you were going to pretend you were deaf?" "Except I'm not." Peace ignored him. "So, you believe in fucking a stranger?"

'Boy! If you don't shut your big mouth right now!'

"I'm not having this conversation with a stranger.", she said ready to walk him out he was getting on her nerves. "I thought I'd passed that stage", he said standing in front of her next to the door. She ignored him again and started to unlock the door, but he stopped her, "We are having this conversation.", he said looking at her. She was not scared of him, but she could not look him in the eye at this moment, "What do you want?", she asked already over with this conversation. He took a step towards her, and she took a step back until she was stuck between him and the counter, he placed both of his hands on the counter caging her inside his arms. She was uncomfortable and could not trust herself at this moment, she could feel her body temperature rising.

'He's doing this on purpose. Don't fall for it.'

He finally spoke, "I want you," he said looking straight into her eyes, watching her struggle with maintaining eye contact, "to tell me that you're not going on that Tinder date."

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