Chapter 9

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It was a Wednesday; her group members had agreed to meet her on Thursday afternoon except for one member with a black surname. She had a lab this afternoon and wanted to leave the moment she entered the lab.

"Tell me one thing you don't hate about school?", Rea who was also her lab partner asked her. "The buildings, the food, girl I can count a lot do not think of me like that," she said satisfied with her answer. "Whatever, let's begin", she said putting on her gloves. One thing Rea liked about Peace's hate for school was that she always wanted to finish fast and do her best so she will not have to repeat the same thing. "I suddenly wish I was grouped with only whites and Indians because why is my homie not replying it's been days." "Your homie is like you if you were not in desperate need for the weekend you would not have answered." "Aah! Whatever, we'll continue without them, I mean 5 of us agreed."

In 2 hours, they were done and went separate ways. Rea took the bus and Peace walked the short distance to her Res. When she entered her room, she dropped her bag next to her bed and jogged down the stairs to visit her friend Azana.

"Why are you here?", she asked Ntando with an attitude. Azana and Ntando were cuddling in Azana's bed. "We're bonding, can't you see?", Ntando spoke, "Gross", she said sitting between them. "You're just jealous it wasn't you.", she replied, "You wish, how're y'all?"

Azana sat up so Peace can lay her head on her thighs, they always sat like that. She started running her fingers in between the lines of her cornrows, "when are you going to do your hair you've been on wigs for months.", Azana complained. "Don't forget those bucket hats that make her look like a boy," Ntando added, "what are y'all eating I'm ordering?" "On you?" Peace teased her friend who had been monied. "No, I have a man coming to this side this weekend I'm going to spoil my man not other bitchies.", Azana and Peace pretended as if they were hurt. "Wait until he dribbles your heart", they all laughed. "Mark my words, anyway, pizza for me. Guys, I'm working the whole weekend.", said fast, "You always work the whole weekend what's so different this time?" Azana asked a bit confused. "Well, this time I'll be working the whole day and night of the weekend." She then told them the same story she sold to Rea. Azana was not buying it but let it go and vowed to ask her when they are alone. 

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