Chapter 15

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Antonio was briefing the team about changes when Peace came in running, she was 15 minutes late. "I'm so sorry my Uber bro..."

"Don't bother.", Antonio shut her off. She was late and made up a story and Antonio did not buy it. "We going to continue just like last week, if you're already working in the private rooms you'll be there for the whole weekend, no main stage and..." "Woah, what? Like we going to be spending an hour in a private room?" Peace spoke within 5 minutes of her arrival. "No bitch, we're spending 1 hour 30 minutes each session is 30 minutes and you'll be meeting 3 men a night. Oh, before you act like a spoiled bitch this is to give those in the main stage opportunity to prove themselves maybe they can replace you.", Kate answered. "I was asking our Boss, Kate. I was not aware of all of this." She said to Antonio, "Well if you arrived on time, you would've known Princess." "Fuck you Kate, one more word from you I'm losing my shit!" She screamed at Kate who was getting on her nerves. 

"Sauce, this is unnecessary.", Antonio tried to cool her down, "Oh really? She's your spokesperson now? I asked questions confused and she kept answering for you with a stinking attitude. Now I'm the one with unnecessary drama? Fuck you too." Antonio got close to her, "Watch your tongue baby girl, seems like you are forgetting your place." He said that in a lower tone, but everyone heard him which made Peace come back to her senses. She was not embarrassed but she wanted to leave the room already, she had realized that whatever involved her job, and her colleagues were draining the little energy she had. She always thought she should look out for herself and stand her ground otherwise they were going to walk over her. She had also realized that whenever she argues with someone her Bosses would take the other party's side.

After the meeting, everyone headed to their dressing rooms. "Don't mind Kate, she's just intimidated.", Dan said walking close to her. She turned and looked into his eyes, "And I'm fuming, leave me alone Daniel.", she warned. Peace and Daniel always fought about how he would follow her around and tell her stuff as if she ca not read, or she's got a short memory. Daniel would not stop even after several warnings, he was also doing his job.

"Do not enter my room!", she shouted when she realized he was still following her, "I must brief you about the first client you'll read about the 2 others. You're late." Dan knew his job and he was not about to lose it just because Peace was angry, he never gave up on her. "Fine", she said swallowing the little pride she had. "A 40-year-old single male likes to be punished and chained..." "Wait, who's going to do that?" "You and...", he answered and continued as if he said nothing wrong. "I'm not doing that. Switch me with Kate or any other girls in the private rooms." "We can't do that, he specifically requested the Sauce.", he said while checking if she got the outfit she was required to wear. Peace hated when she had no say in what she does, so she had to suck it up and please the client.

'No wonder these girls take drugs.'

She took instructions and went to her first client. She was not comfortable, but she had to do what the client requested.

She managed to please all of her clients and it was time to knock off at 11 pm. She rushed to their Boss's office, "I did not sign up for that", she pointed at the door, "You did not knock, and you're done with your job for tonight." "My foot, WTF are you doing seriously? You're turning me into a stripper now?", she banged the table in anger but Antonio calmly looked at her hands,  "Peace stops this, you've been barking the whole day don't you get tired?" He said standing up to her height with both of his hands on the table mimicking her posture, "You needed a job, I gave you one. If you don't like this, then quit." Peace was taken by surprise, she never thought she'll ever hear those words from her Boss. She always said what she did not agree with, and he would change that but today was different. She angrily snatched her bag and walked out the door.

She knew that she was on her own in this business and she had to continue minding her business.

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