Chapter 42

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"I've never dreamed of making your life here a living hell, but you keep pushing every button. I'm done being nice to you, I've laid new rules for you and you're going to follow them. Daniel will give you a document of things expected from you moving forward, close the door when you leave.", he was no longer pissed, his patience with Peace ran out. He said all these things without looking at her not even once since she entered his office, she immediately walked out of her boss's office.

Peace greeted Daniel, "Hi Dan, how are you?", Daniel handed her the file immediately without answering, "Oh, he's damn serious, let me look it up", she laughed while Daniel opened the door for her. "Thank you", her focus was on the document. She placed her handbag on the desk and sat on the chair. She started reading the new rules and she got comfortable in the chair.

New Rules

1. Don't talk to Daniel unless it is about work and very important.

2. Don't enter the Boss's office unless you're summoned.

3. Don't drink at work, come to work drunk, drink with customers, or bring your friends to your workplace.

4. Your shifts are between 6 pm-2 am, and you'll be working 5 hours a day.

5. Your salary will be deducted by 5%.

Peace could not believe what she was reading, she marched towards the door but when she tried opening it was locked, Daniel locked her in, "Son of a bitch!". She went to her purse to search for the key and the intercom went off notifying her that she had 15 minutes before her show. She ignored that and tried to unlock the door, but her keys did not work, the door lock was new. Her head started spinning around, Peace did not like to be in a small space where she was locked up. She was having a panic attack, and she immediately tried to calm herself down, which took 7 minutes of her 15 minutes.

With a heavy heart, she got ready and right on time the door opened, Daniel waited for her to come out so that he would take her to the client. "So, you seriously won't say a word to me, Danny?", he remained quiet, "You know I only got you here, don't do me like that, man", her voice was breaking yet received no response from Daniel. She had to get a new strategy to be able to function at this place by herself.

The setup was quite different just when Peace thought nothing about her job would shock her, the whole room was white, and she was required to wear black. She did not read the file hence why she was surprised when she entered the room.

'Oh, so this is heaven and I'm the devil?'

She looked around, even though the pole was white, and she could not see anyone in the room. All of the sudden, a man rose from the bed, wearing all white hence why she did not see him. "Let the sinners sin", he sat at the end of the bed and signalled for her to begin dancing.

'This looks like a cult.'

She got out of that room gasping for air. On a normal day, Daniel would have asked what had happened, but he just watched her fighting for every breath. She got pissed and walked faster than Daniel to her room. She closed the door behind her, once she was inside, she had 30 minutes before the second shift. She decided to call Akwande.

"Hey honey, are you okay?", he answered almost immediately, "Things are hectic at work, I've made my Boss mad, and now I have to follow these crazy rules", she vented. she narrated the whole story, "Baby, why don't you just quit? I mean you've covered all the expenses and you still have a lot of savings.", Akwande did not quite like her job so every opportunity he gets he suggested that. "You know I'm on a contract I can't do that". They spoke for another 15 minutes, with Peace laughing very loud should Akwande say something funny, she wanted to spite Daniel. "I'll come to get you when you knock off, you better not argue on this one" she sighed, "Baby, you'll be sleeping at that time", she reminded him that she was knocking off at the wee hours of the morning, "No I'll be in the parking lot waiting for my love", that made Peace smile. She liked the sound of his voice when he was sleepy or waking up. She was so in love with him that she did not even realize it.

Knock! Knock!

Daniel indicated that she was running late for her second shift. She was not in the mood for any of it, she wanted to knock off and go home to cry, or cry in the arms of her boyfriend. She was a crybaby lately and she did not even realize it. She passed Dan and cat walked her way to the second room session.

'I need to figure this out. I need to come up with a plan, ASAP!'

At 2 am, she knocked off. Akwande was waiting for her in the parking lot, she hoped Antonio did not see him because he was moody, he could make it a big deal. "I got you a coffee", she gave him a warm paper cup, "I don't want you driving us out of the road". He kissed her, "That's how you greet your boyfriend", and she pushed him, "Whatever, I had to make sure we are safe first". He started driving, left hand on her thighs, Peace was starting to like it too. "Please take me to my place", she said as she was typing away on her phone, "Why?" "I am going to visit you on a weekend, and it's a Thursday today", he took a turn to his place. "It's a Friday, baby, so it's basically a weekend".

They ended up at his place, "Come here", he seductively asked, already aroused, "Baby, it's 3 am". Akwande was sitting on a chair and Peace was between his legs, looking down at him with her arm on both sides of his shoulders. He grabbed her butt, "Just the perfect time, my love. I haven't seen you in like 5 days, and I missed you", she tried to pull away, but his grip was tight, and she was also getting in the mood. "Fine, one round, I am tired.", she ordered, Akwande was already on his feet.

One round turned to countless rounds, "I love you", he said cupping her face as they cuddled with their breaths back to normal. She kissed him, "I love you too, so much", she meant every word. As they prepared to sleep, they heard a loud knock, with both of them confused, Akwande put on his boxer and went to check. To their knowledge, they were alone in the home. "Who's there?", Peace could hear Akwande asking the person on the other side of the door, "Your mother", Peace's heart raced a million miles in a second. "You might want to keep the noise down, I need to sleep", Peace was so embarrassed.


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