Chapter 47

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"Mom, I'm almost done with packing. I can't wait to see you too.", it was 3 days before going home. "All right baby, I miss you too". All her friends had already left for the end year's holidays, she remained behind because of work, "Bye mama, greet everyone for me". She had packed all her stuff, she remained with a few clothes she was going to wear for the few days she was still going to stay.

She and her dad fixed things, therefore she was going home. He had called multiple times, saying he missed her, Peace knew he did because they did not spend much time the last time she went there. She had saved a lot of money and invested some because she planned not to work at Find Out again. She could not wait to leave too, she was so lonely and bored being alone at the residence. She prepared for work while playing music and singing her lungs out.

'Let's go get them coins!'

She arrived at work at 7 pm, her shift was going to start at 8 pm. "To the boss's office", Daniel spoke to her for the first after a long time. Peace went straight to the office, not even bothered about what he was going to say, nothing could surprise her anymore. She knocked and waited for the answer, the first time ever since she worked there. Antonio opened the door, "Come in", Peace passed by him and entered the office", he closed the door and followed behind her, "I see you have been following the rules", Peace remained silent, "Today is a little different, you are working a 3-hour shift with the same person. He requested that you pick the music you like to dance to, and he added 20% to your normal worth. It's a great way to close the year". Peace stared at him, "You are starting at 8 sharp," she turned to leave, "oh, and come back to sign your new contract, we decided to keep you" "I am not coming back here", she finally spoke, "Oh yes you are", he smiled, Peace did not want to entertain his bullshit.

She actually got excited about her session now that she had to choose everything even the costume, on top of that she was getting a bonus, it was really a nice way to close the year. She strolled through her wardrobe searching for her favourite fit. She put on light make-up, wore the highest heels she had, and had a long black weave. She checked the time, "Dan, let's go", it was five minutes before her shift. He held her hand, "Thank you", he nodded, he knew that it was not for holding her hand only, but it was for everything he had done for her throughout her work there. Peace had found a brother in him, from annoying each, to supporting, and being very protective of each other.

When she entered the room, she realized they set things up the way she wanted, but it was dark where the client was seated. She kind of hoped it was someone she had danced for before, maybe Andile, because he made her comfortable. The music started and Peace cat walked to the spotlight, the light was a bit dim than usual. She began dancing, climbing up and down the pole, curling her legs around it, she was having the time of her life. She even danced on the floor, she twerked for the very first time, she knew her boss was very shocked from where he was watching.

'That's how we close the show, baby.'

After 2 hours, she was tired and struggling to even wrap her arms around the pole, "Would you like something to drink?", she broke the rule, he did not answer but she poured a glass for him and one for herself anyway. She got closer to where he was sitting, "If I am not dancing, I talk, or you can talk I am a good listener", she smiled handing him a drink which he did not accept. She sat at the end of the stage floor, "I am unable to dance anymore, you are allowed to go get a refund from the boss.", he did not answer, and she stood up to leave, she was not going to beg a grown man to talk, and she believed she did her best nobody can dance for that long and do not get tired, she was a human too.

"I see why you never wanted to quit", she turned very fast that she almost hurt her neck, "What are you doing here?", she recognized the voice very well, "I came for you, my love", she rushed to the door, "Our time is not up yet, let's talk." He was standing at the centre of the room next to the stage, the light above him made him look so beautiful that Peace was unable to resist. She walked towards him, "Hi", he had few scars, other than that he was healed and still handsome in her eyes. "I miss you", he replied, Peace did not realize she was getting very closer to him,

"Why are you doing this?", her eyes were already teary. "I needed to see you, I had to tell you how sorry I am, I ruined us, for something so worthless, I should not have fallen for her tricks", he began, "Baby please give me another shot, I will wake up every day finding better ways to prove my love for you, I need you my love and I believe we could be happy together again". She sat on the stage floor next to where he was standing, "It's okay to miss your ex, I miss you sometimes, it's part of moving on", she had been avoiding eye contact, "Baby, please look at me", he begged, "See how genuine I am, please have a little faith in us." "I am going home.", she said. "You said you were going to work during the holidays, what changed?", his tone changed, Peace stood up, "That was before you broke my heart. I had someone to keep me company then.", her tears were falling as she looked him in the eyes.

'Girl, I thought we healed, why are you letting me down in front of my enemy?'

"Our time is up, I should go", she walked past him, but he grabbed her arm, "I have one more request, please allow me to take you out or we could meet somewhere private to talk, if you do not want to do it for me, think about how you could get closure", she yanked her arm, "and after that, I will leave you and never bother you again.", she wrapped her hands against his waist and looked straight in his eyes, she was a bit shorter than him so she had to tilt her head, "I hate you!", she said looking straight to his eyes. He was hurt but remained strong, "I am begging you, baby", he closed his eyes, "I don't know, Akwande", she walked towards the door as it opened, "Let me take you home!", he yelled behind her, "No!", she walked out the door.

Peace sat down on the chair and looked around her, it was her last day in that room. She started collecting all her stuff, putting them into a crate. She did not have much, most of the things she found them there, including the costumes, waves, makeup kit, and shoes. Peace did not know whether she wanted to ride with Akwande or not. She opened the door, and Daniel was still standing by her door, "I am going to miss you so much, man", she admitted, leaning on the other side of the door. "I know, I am going to miss you too.", he bumped her shoulder, "Are you coming back after the holidays?", she was already shaking her head, "Nope." "Well, that's a relieve, I was worried I was going to leave you alone here", Peace was confused, "I found a new and better-paying job", her face lightened up, "What?! That's great news, man", she jumped to hug him.

She asked one of the cleaners to take her crate downstairs, it was a strategy to cross her boss. She was going to leave empty-handed so that he could think she was coming back. She said her goodbyes to most of the staff there, then said a little prayer thanking the Lord for protecting her throughout her journey there. She texted Akwande, she figured she might as well use him since she had luggage.

"You are an amazing dancer", he said once they were out of the club, "Thank you", they did not speak for another minute. "There's this lake house I've always wanted to take you to, I was wondering if you would like to go, like right now?", he asked unsurely. Peace looked at him, then smiled, she loved such places, "What are you trying to do?", she wanted to go to her place and rest, "You're going to love it", she seemed to be thinking, "Okay let's go".

She texted all her friends notifying them that she was with Akwande in case she went missing. Clearly, they missed the point because they flooded her with texts like, "I knew y'all were going to make up" "Don't forget to use protection" "I respect his sex game, a love portion itself", and "Enjoy yourself, do it the whole night". She ignored all of them, including Rea who was acting out of character. She received a text from Sipho, asking to meet her the following day, her face lightened up as she texted back. Akwande watched her as a smile remained on her face throughout the conversation. He increased the speed just to distract her, Peace looked at him shocked, "Why are you speeding?" "I am within the speed limit", he was hurt. She saw the hurt and put her phone away, she also did not know why she did that.

The place was peaceful, she could hear the sounds of water slowly colliding with the woods that emerged on the water where it was a place to chill. Peace walked towards the end of the wooded area, "This is life", he stood behind her, "I know for sure we would be so happy staying together in a place like this", he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, "What if we are soulmates, Peace? What if we are meant to be? What I have for you is so strong I never felt it before, I need you, I want you." She turned around, "What we feel doesn't matter if we are not going to be loyal to one another. I need to be in a relationship where I have to worry about nothing, I need to trust you.", he moved his hands to her waist, "That I promise you, I will give you that", they looked at each other, Peace searching for sincerity in his eyes while Akwande displayed honesty.

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