Chapter 22

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"It's time to go home", Dan told Peace hoping she could hear him.

She has never said a word to anyone ever since she finished her performance. She was visibly shaking and some of the girls tried to talk to her, but she kept staring into space. Ruby had to take out her costume and dress in her normal clothes because she was hardly moving. She also called Daniel to fetch her when all the girls were leaving, and she noticed she was still sitting on the couch not realizing she was being left behind.

Sadness was written all over Daniel's face when he saw the state she was in, "Come on, let's go rest", he said helping her get up. He took her belongings and held her hand as they exited the place. "How is she doing?", Antonio asked approaching their vehicle. Daniel had just put Peace in the back seat of the car and was going to the driver's seat, he shook his head, "I hope she recovers from this". As much as Daniel was angry at his Boss, he had to respect him for the sake of his job. "Let me talk to her", he said going to open the door before Daniel could suggest otherwise. He found her curled up on a seat, sleeping on one side, "Let me not disturb her then. Make sure she's home safe", he said with one hand at Daniel's shoulder.


Dan dropped her off at her residence and asked the security guard to accompany her to her room. As soon as she arrived the took off her clothes and took the bottle of Jägermeister that was in her fridge and drank from the bottle, she wanted to numb her feelings. After sitting on the floor for more than an hour, she got up and went to shower. She could not hold her tears anymore and let them slide down along with hot water.

 She screamed her lungs out and sobbed while having flashbacks of the tiger trying so hard to climb the pole while she was curled up at the top of the pole praying that she does not slip and become the meal of that beast. She screamed until her throat became dry and she needed water, she closed the shower and went to lotion her body, she was still shivering, and her heart was still beating very fast.

She decided to call her mother just to hear her voice, she did not want to worry her, but she needed her mother at this moment, "Hi Mama", she managed to utter those two words. "Peace, are you crying?", you could sense the worry in her voice, "I'm on my period, you know how bad the cramps can get?", she lied. "My poor baby, did you take your prescribed pills? When did they start? Book an appointment with the doctor if the pills are no longer working." Her mother was really worried, and Peace hated that she put her mother in a lot of distress with her lies. "Don't worry Mommy I will be fine, I just wanted to hear your voice. You know how I just become a baby when I'm on my days.", her cramps were the worst and her mother used to help her with them, "Okay, but if it does not get better call me, and we will figure something out." "Thanks, Mom, bye. Greet Dad for me, I love you both." "All right baby, get better. We love you more sweetheart.", they ended the call.

'I needed this.'

She continued drinking and decided to watch crime documentaries on her laptop. She got really drunk and would cry a few times, she needed to let out all the feelings she had about the eventful performance she had. She even texted her little sisters telling them how much she loved and appreciated them, they returned the same love, but the second sister asked if everything was okay, and she reassured her that everything was in order.

She finally decided to sleep after 5 am as she has been drinking since 11 pm when she got home. She walked to the kitchen to drink some water and she was struggling with her balance. She said a little prayer before climbing into bed, she browsed through Instagram for a little while and then went to check if she received new WhatsApp messages as she always did before dosing off. She replied to a few messages and watched recently updated statuses, they were not so many as people were sleeping at that time. She decided to send a text to Antonio and tell him how shitty of a person he was.

"You are such an asshole; I hate you and I hate that I'm still going to see you. I wish that your cold heart could stay miserable and never find love."

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