Chapter 30 Everyone Knows

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Even though Thomas didn't want to change, he knew he had to. All the kids were still on him. Some still sitting on the front of his running board, and most were still in his cab. Few of them were even giving some of that love to Percy.

But Thomas realized he had to change now. He was about to kindly tell everyone to move away from him, that was until the teacher came over. "Why are you all standing around like this?" He asked as he walked over to the stage. He noticed 4 Town was off of the stage, near some of the kids. He looked confused. "Huh? 4 Town? Why are you off stage?"

4 Town didn't know what to say. The teacher turned his head and looked at the stage. His eyes widen a little once he saw the two engines.

"W-What? When... Did the dance order live-size engine models?" He asked. Thomas felt awkward. Because Mr. Kieslowski seemed like he thought he and Percy were just lifeless models.

4 Town, and Mei and her friends looked at each other. "Um... Those aren't models Mr. Kieslowski..." Mei said. "What do you mean? And when did this happen? I know we are in the middle of this subject in our classes. When did the school do this?" Mr. Kieslowski walked up some steps that were on the side of the stage, when Thomas saw he felt a little stupid because he realized he could have used those instead of practically doing a pull-up for him to have gotten up on the stage. Mei and the rest just stood and watched, as the teacher walked up to the engines.

Percy and Thomas just stood still, with Thomas slowly moving his eyes, looking down at Mr. Kieslowski.

The teacher stood up in front of Thomas.

"With faces at the front?" Mr. Kieslowski asked. "I know the school had a big fund this year, but wow,"

Thomas blinked at him.

Mr. Kieslowski blinked back. Then, he turned around at the rest of the kids. "Animatronic mechanics too?" He asked with a slight head tilted.

Thomas couldn't believe how much Mr. Kieslowski was thinking everything that he was not.

"I-I... I'm not an Animatronic... S-Sir..." Thomas said.

The teacher gasped and turned back around. "W-Wait... It talks...?!"

Thomas realized this was getting nowhere. "Can all of you get out of my cab for a moment," Thomas said. The students all jumped out of his cab, and off of his running board. Taking a deep breath, and clearing his mind, Thomas warped back into a human.

Once he landed on the floor, after getting his balance- He looked at his teacher.

Of course, he looked really surprised. "T-Thomas??!" He asked, with a blink.

"Ha... Suprise..." Thomas said with a small nervous smile.

Then, after looking at Percy, Mr. Kieslowski put it all together. "This... This is Percy isn't it?"

Percy smiled, then changed back.

"You two... are steam engines?!"

"Yep..." Thomas said scratching the back of his head. Percy nodded.

"B-But how?"

"Well... I don't really know... But..." Thomas looked over at Mei. "I'm like Mei. In a way," Thomas said. "We both are," Thomas said, putting an arm around Percy in a friendly way. "Wow! Ha! Now, this is something interesting!" Their teacher exclaimed. "It... Is?" Percy asked, tilting his head. "Yes! I don't really know how this is possible. But you two can help out in the school for the rest of the semester for our lesson on trains!"

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