Chapter 23 Tyler's Crush

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Thomas could tell that Percy was very excited that he was making some friends on just his second day. Thomas was just a little jealous at that, considering that his second day went much worse than that, but now, his crush likes him, and he has just the same amount of friends as Percy. And he also became a potential friend to Percy. "Oh, Percy, what lessons do you have?" Thomas asked.

Percy opened his bag, which was on the table's bench seated next to him. "Well, even though I say Friday was my first day, today is really my first day. Just came here Friday to learn where I gotta go throughout the day," He explained. He got out a paper. "For the first period, I have... um... Mr... Kilo...w... um-" Percy had a hard time saying the name. Mei giggled. "Something tells me that's Mr. Kieslowski," She said. "Well... If that's how you say it," Percy said blinking at the paper. "You have him for first period? You have class with all of us!" Miriam said. "Minus me, sadly. I don't have any classes with these six,"

"I mean at least you have those two friends of yours, you're not completely alone,"

"Shane and Eli? Yeah, they're awesome friends but... there's something different with all of you. Wish I had some classes with you," Carter said. "You know, how I have never seen you with them much?" Mei asked. "I just said," Carter started. "You guys don't have classes with me, so you'll never see them. They're in my classes. But they usually don't come to breakfast," Carter said to Mei. "They don't come to breakfast? Then who's that over there?" Miriam said, pointing her finger in a direction for a second. Carter arched his eyebrow for a second, then turned his head around. He gasped. "Hey, it's Shane..." He said, then he got up. "Let me go to her," He excused himself from his friends, just after Thomas took his arm from around his shoulder.


(end music)

"Shane?" Carter said as he walked up towards his friend. She was in the line, obviously about to get herself some breakfast. She noticed Carter. "Oh," She said surprised. "Wasn't expecting to see you here,"

"Wasn't expecting to see you here either," He said with a small smile. "I don't know, just felt like coming out early today," She said. "I see that you've been having a lot of new friends," She said. Carter looked behind him, at the table he was sitting at. "Yeah, they're very cool... You... Want to meet them?"

Shane nodded. "Just let me get some breakfast first,"

After a few, Shane got a tray and met up with Carter. They both walked over to the table. "Hey, Shane, what's up?" Miriam asked. "This table is getting awfully crowded..." Tyler said. "Geez, shut up," Carter said to Tyler as he sat next to Thomas. "Shane was one of my first friends, I think it's about time she got to know all of you,"

Shane knew some of them of course. But she recognized Pyria the most. "Oh... Hey Pyria," She said. Pyria looked around, then looked at her. "O-Oh... Y-You're talking to me?"

"I guess there's another Pyria here," Tyler joked. Mei elbowed him.

Pyria was reddening a little in her face, then looked away. "Um... So... how have you been?"

"I've been good, haven't seen you in a while, last time we hung out was at Tyler's party, which was a year ago," Shane said. "Oohhh... Yeah, I remember..." Priya said. "Don't remind me of that..." Mei and Tyler both said at the same time. Carter looked at Tyler. Then softly giggled. "Man... You were such an asshole a year ago," He said. Tyler pouted. "Hey! So was Mei! She jumped me like a dog!"

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