Chapter 9 Intense Feelings

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"So, how was school?" Thomas's father started to get into a conversation over dinner, but all on Thomas's mind was the dream he had in his nap. He was thinking how he could even have such a bizarre dream, in such a small nap. Since he didn't hear, his father asked again. Thomas slightly gasped, then looked up. His dad looked concerned. Thomas just sighed. "It's been alright." He told him. "You sure Thomas? If there's anything wrong, you know you can tell me, you know?" He said. Thomas shook his head, "There is nothing wrong Dad." Thomas replied. School wasn't the reason he looked shaken up. "Did... You have a dream or something in your nap?"

Thomas was surprised, then looked at your father. "Huh? H-How did you know?" He asked, arching an eyebrow. His dad continued to eat, then talk. "Cause- Anytime you have a nightmare, you have this worried look on your face. I thought it was about school, but then I realized you just had a nap." He set his fork down. "Want to talk about it?"

But Thomas didn't know where to start. He was pretty sure his dreams, are just his fears of his engine coming out, and his mind is portraying them in the most bizarre way possible, and he was worried that his dad would be concerned on how nightmarish that "dark figure" He saw is. So, his replied to his dad with: "It's nothing dad. It's probably just because I'm stressed." He said. But what he said, made him look concerned again. "Stressed? From what? Are you alright, son?" He asked. "Uhh... Yeah... Just... um... there is this valentines thing coming up, an-"

"You have a crush on someone, and want to take them there?"

Thomas went red in the face. He nodded.

His dad made a warm smile. "Is it Carter?"

That made Thomas blush even harder. "U-Uh... Yeah... it is." He said looking down. "From how you two act, I thought it was a thing alre-"

"Daddd stopppp!" Thomas said, covering his face. His dad chuckled. "Well, it's on Valentines Day right?" He asked. "Yeah it is." Thomas told him. "Well... That's like what, a week away now? You should try to ask him, if he wants to go with you." He said. Thomas nodded. "Yeah, I know."

"Better now than later. My school, had something like this way back when I was a kid. Wanted to ask my crush out, but chickened out of it. I waited the day of valentines to ask, only to see that they had someone with them. If I had asked them before, I probably would of gotten the chance." His dad said, "Oh... I see what you mean." Thomas said. "So, try your luck. Worse he could say is no."

Thomas nodded, remembering That's what Mei said.


Thomas woke up extra-early Monday morning, because he wanted to see if he could ask Carter out to the valentines day dance. For the whole Weekend he couldn't do anything because he had to help his dad with some stuff. He quickly got his things, then made his way to his bed room door. He got some of his other stuff, then went out the front door. Once he shut the door, he looked next to him and saw Carter walking down the sidewalk. He took an internal deep breath. 'Ok.... here goes.' He told himself in his head. "Carter!" He called out, as he walked away from the door. Carter stopped. "Huh? Oh! Thomas, you've decided to come out early today?" Carter asked. Thomas nodded. "Yeah... I just feel like it." As Thomas got closer, he saw that Carter was looking at him, with a mad looking expression. "Huh? W-What's wrong?" Thomas asked, confused. Carter fold his arms. "You have to apologize for that surprise tickle yesterday..." He said. Thomas just chuckled. "Why? What, you want another one or something?" He said with a smirk, that made Carter already burst in a fit of giggles. "Geez, I didn't even touch you." Thomas started to walk, and Carter walked along side him. Carter pushed Thomas's arm. "Stop!" He yelled. Thomas just laughed.

"So, what's made you get up this early? Hope it wasn't any bad dreams again?"

"Nah, had a bad dream Friday afternoon. But for the weekend nah."

"I missed you." Carter said. "Thought you where gonna come over for the weekend." He said. Thomas blushed a little, then looked at Carter. "Oh... Yeah. I'm sorry about that. Had to help dad with things, and I couldn't come because of that. That's... why I got out early, so I can be with you for the walk to school."

Thomas's body nearly shut down as he felt Carter hugging him. "Aww, so sweet" Carter said smiling as he continued to lean his head on Thomas's shoulders as they walked. Thomas's heart started to beat fast and hard. He didn't know what to do or say. It felt like his feelings for Carter just skyrocket at that moment. His body felt hot, and he started to sweat.

Carter took his head off of Thomas, then looked at him. "Woah.... You ok?" Carter asked, with his eye brow arched. Poor Thomas was blushing like a mad idiot. "Yeah... I'm-"

Thomas froze as Carter was looking at him. Carter looked even cuter than before right now for some reason. His tired looking eyes, and is sleepy looking smile than soon turned neutral because he started to get concerned with Thomas. "Why is your face all red? Are you doing alright?" He asked.

"Yeah! I'm fine!" Thomas said then started to walk faster. "Totally fine!"


Both Thomas and Carter made their way to the school, and went to the cafeteria for breakfast. Before they got into the line, Carter's stomach growled. "Ugh, it's like my stomach is getting louder every freaking day-"

But for some reason, Carter's growling stomach made Thomas's face go red again. He looked over at Carter, then down at his stomach, which Carter had his hand on. And poor Thomas couldn't control his face from looking like a tomato. Carter noticed Thomas in the corner of his eye. "Uh? Are you really ok?" He asked. Thomas gasped, scared that Carter caught him staring at his stomach like an idiot. "Yep! I'm alright! FOREVER OK!" Thomas said that a bit too loud, and a few kids in the line, looked back at him. The look on their faces made Thomas want to hide, because he was sure they where questioning his existence. Thomas said not a word to Carter as he got his breakfast, and Carter said nothing to him.

That is, until they got out the line that is.

"Hey, there's Miriam over there with Tyler and Abby and Priya. I don't see Mei though. Where is she?" He said. But, Thomas spotted her near by the entrance. It looked like Mei arrived a little late. "Uh... Carter...can you thing my tray over to them? I... gotta use the bathroom." Thomas said. "Oh.. ok sure." Carter said as he took Thomas's tray.

But Thomas didn't want to use the bathroom. He quickly made his way over to Mei.

"Thomas! Hi! You decided to come join on for br-"

"Mei... I need to talk to you!" Thomas said with a slight edge to his voice. "Oh!" Mei said a little shocked. Thomas realized that he probably sounded stupid. "I-I'm sorry if I sound weird. B-But. I... the..."

"Ok, Thomas, slowly... take a deep breath..." Mei said putting a hand on Thomas's shoulder. Thomas took a deep breath, then looked at Mei. Then, he started to talk. "It's Carter... I... I already told you I like him...." Thomas said. Mei nodded. "Yeah, and how you're going to ask him out for the dance?" She asked. "Y-Yes... I haven't done that yet, b-b-but It's like my feelings for him went up out of nowhere. Everytime I look at him I feel a overwhelming sense of emotion... I never had a crush feeling like that in years..." Thomas said.

Mei looked at him, then smiled. "Aww... This is all the more reason to ask him out!" She said. "I-I-I know... but..."

Thomas looked back at Carter, who was sitting at the table with Mei's friends, next to an empty part on the bench that had his lunch tray next to Carter's. Carter tried to move his hair from his face, but it kept coming back, so, he did a hair flip, that nearly made all of Thomas shut down.

Mei noticed Thomas's star struck look, where Thomas has his mouth hung open, and his eyes widen. "Yep, I know how that feels." Mei said, with a giggle after. "Did you not notice he did that before?"

Thomas took a while before he could answer. "N-N-No...." He said. "He... Looks... so cute..."

Thomas didn't know that his skin was turning gray.

And Mei noticed. "Uh? Where you... wearing gray makeup on your skin before?" She asked. Thomas snapped out of his star stuck gaze at Carter, and quickly looked down. His entire skin was gray, it was just a matter of time before he could even turn into the engine. "Gotta go!" Thomas said quickly running out of the cafeteria, leaving Mei confused, and concerned.

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